Saturday 16 January 2021

Books I Want To Read In 2021

At the beginning of every year I always have a plethora of books that I want to try and read in the next twelve months and this year it’s even longer than normal. However I’ve managed to narrow it down to the 12 books I want to read the most this year and today I’m sharing them all with you. Most of these are sequels to series I’ve already started and loved and some are definitely starts to new series that I hope to love. A lot of these aren’t new releases and some are but as a paperback reader I tend to always be a little behind other readers when it comes to more recent and popular releases. 

The first will come as now surprise as its predecessor was the top of my 2020 TBR list last year and came out on top of my favourites reads from last year. A Vow So Bold And Deadly is the final book in the Cursebreakers trilogy and I’m so not ready for this series to end. With the shock ending of book two still fresh in my mind, I can’t wait to jump back into the world of Emberfall and follow my favourite characters in their final adventure. I’ve had this on preorder since October and am really hoping Amazon are joking when they say I might not receive until late February. I need it like now! 

The second book I’ve already read but know I’ll be rereading it multiple times in 2021. The Stars That Guide You Home is a beautifully written historical romance and the debut novel of one of my best friends Jemma. With characters you’ll be attached too from the get go and a plot that’ll break your heart constantly, this book is one that should be on everyone’s TBR’s this year. I have a spoiler free review up already so if you need anymore convincing then go read that. It’ll make you want to read Sophia and Tom’s journey over and over again. 

This next book is a book that I’ve been hoping would be released since I started reading this series in 2019.  Tales From The Hinterland is a novella/companion to Melissa Albert’s series The Hazel Wood. This book contains twelve disturbing, twisted and captivating fairy tales that The Hazel Wood features in its duology. This is something I’ve been wanting to read ever since they were first mentioned in the first book and now two years after reading it, I can now actually read the enticing tales that Melissa Albert built her world and story around. 

Up next is a book I would have never been interested in reading this year if I hadn’t read it’s companion last year and absolutely adored it. A Throne Of Swans was one of my most surprising reads in 2020 and when I heard there was to be a sequel I knew I had to read it. Picking up straight from where the first book left off, this sees Aderyn struggle to adjust to her new role whilst trying to ease the unrest which is on the uprise in the country. So excited to see where this book goes but am sad that this is the final part of what could be an amazing three/four book series. 

How could The House In The Cerulean Sea not appear on this list. It was so hyped during 2020 that I knew I just had to read it this year. A cute middle grade that follows a man lost in life who meets some very peculiar but loveable characters when he’s sent to a orphanage for children who are different to others. It sounds heartbreaking, heartwarming and entrancing all at once and I can’t wait to finally get my hands on this and read one of 2020’s most loved books. 

Another book that’s been raved about and now has me dying to read it is The Invisible Life Of Addie LaRue. I’ve only read one book by V. E. Schwab and honestly didn’t think I was in a rush to read another but after reading the reviews and hearing every booktuber raving about it, it was quickly added to my TBR list. I’m even contemplating buying it in hardback purely so I don’t have to wait any longer to read it. And for someone who only buys paperbacks that says a lot. 

When I heard that Maureen Johnson was releasing a fourth Truly Devious novel this year I just knew I had to read it. In fact I’ve already got it on pre order as Truly Devious is one of my favourite series and I know this next book is going to be just as good as the previous three. I believe this follows Stevie as she solves her first case away from the Ellingham Academy and I can’t wait to see how this picks up from the original trilogy. Plus the cover is going to look amazing on my shelves with the rest of them. 

Bone Crier’s Moon is a book that I’ve been on the fence about reading after hearing mixed reviews but I’ve decided that it’s definitely one I want to get to in 2021. It’s cover is gorgeous and I’m intrigued to see how they work the killing of ones soulmate to complete their training with a few hi jinxes thrown in. I’m going to be going into this like I did The Hazel Wood, apprehensive because of mixed reviews but also with a clear head so I can make my own mind up as I read. 

Last year saw me read my first book by Kerri Maniscalco and now I’d happily read anything she writes. So when everyone started raving about Kingdom Of The Wicked when it was released I just knew I had to read it. With dark magic, a prince of Hell and a murder to solve, this sounds like it could be right up my street, especially considering how much I love Maniscalco‘s writing. 

Last year I treated myself to a Collector’s First Edition of Chain Of Gold and this year I’ll be doing the same for Chain Of Iron. I’m a sucker for a Cassie Clare book but definitely find myself leaning more towards the Infernal Devices and this series than I do The Mortal Instruments or Dark Artifices. I think it’s the writing style alongside incredible casts of characters and a setting that I can’t get enough of. I haven’t read Chain Of Gold yet but think I may just binge both back to back once Chain Of Iron arrives. 

And the last book I want to talk about today is another sequel (see a theme with this post) and that is a The Damned by Renee Ahdieh. This is the follow up to The Beautiful, a book I read last year and loved. It was hyped up as the resurrection of the sexy vampire and whilst it was very limited on the vampire it was still sexy with an incredible backdrop and easily left me wanting more. This was originally supposed to be released back in the Autumn but was pushed back to March, something rather frustrating for someone eagerly awaiting a sequel. 

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