Saturday 27 July 2019

12 Books I Want To Read By The End Of The Year

If you've been here for the last year and a half then you'll know I rediscovered my love of reading. And whilst there are times when I don't want to read anything, the amount of time I spend reading outweighs them. And over the last few months I've been compiling a list of books I want to read. And with the way I've been reading lately, I'm pretty sure that list isn't going to take long to complete. But today I thought I'd share with you a six standalone book and six series that I'd like to read or at least start series wise before we say hello to 2020.

The Folk Of The Air- Holly Black
Let's kick things off with series I want to start and the one series I'm dying to get my teeth into. The Cruel Prince was one of the first books I brought this year and next month sees the release of The Wicked King in paperback. It doesn't take a genius to work out what I'm going to be reading in August. Centred around Jude and her two sisters who were taken to live in the High Court Of Faerie when they were small. Yet ten years later Jude and her sisters still don't fit in and it's the one thing in live Jude craves the most. It follows her as she goes against Prince Cardan to win herself a plac in the Court. I've heard nothing but good things about this series so far and with the release of the final book in the trilogy approaching, I think it's time I finally sunk my teeth into it.

The Shadow Game- Amanda Foody
The next series I want to start is the The Shadow Game Series. Consisting of two books so far this spin on the City Of Sin sees Enne Salta as she travels to New Reynes (The Ciry Of Sin) locate her missing mother. Yet she knows nothing about her mother's whereabouts apart from a name; Levi Glaisyer. I've heard mixed reviews about this series but I find that the ones that people aren't too sure on, I tend to like more. I've got Ace of Shades on it's way from Amazon at the moment and I honestly can't wait to read it.

Arc Of A Scythe- Neal Shusterman 
A series that I've seen a lot about lately and after reading the synopsis for myself I really want to read it. A trilogy that concludes this year Scythe follows the work of two scythes who work to keep population down now that humanity has managed to conquer everything including death. However both these scythes are teens and need to desperately learn the art of taking a live in order to keep theirs. Thunderhead follows with the dynamic duo split, one rogue whilst the other strives to change things from the inside.When I initially heard about this series I wasn't too bothered but since reading some reviews on GoodReads and watching a lot of BookTubers talk about this, I'm dying to pick these up.

Renegades- Marissa Meyer
Another series that has had a lot of hype on BookTube is the Renegades series by Marissa Meyer. I already knew of her from her series The Lunar Chronicles but I hadn't heard a lot about this duology soon to be trilogy until recently. Renegades follows Adrian a boy with extraordinary abilities that works to keep peace and order in a somewhat crumbled society. That's until he meets Nova who wants nothing than revenge against the Renegades. Yet as the pair grow closer Nova's allegiance to a villian puts thems both in danger. And Arch Enemies continues with Nova and Adrian working to stop the Anarchists from destroying everything but still being from opposing sides means that they're believes aren't the same and could end them and the world as they know it. I'm so excited to get my hands on this series. It sounds amazing and from the amount of five star reviews it has on GoodReads, I know I'm in for a wild ride.

Stalking Jack The Ripper- Kerri Maniscalco
I honestly don't know where to start with this series. A lot of people say that it goes downhill after the first book but these seem to be exactly the kind of semi mediocre books I end up adoring. The quartet follows Audrey Rose Wadsworth as she works to solve crimes including murders inspired by Jack The Ripper, Vlad The Impaler, Houdini and concluding with a showdown with the White City Devil. Each one sounds gruesome, shocking and full of twists and turns. I have Stalking Jack The Ripper in my Amazon basket and it's a sure buy when I make my next book order from them.

The Bone Witch- Rin Chupeco
The last series I want to at least start this year is The Bone Witch series. Tea never meant to raise her brother from the grave, her whole life changes as she's branded a bone witch and shunned by her community. The trilogy follows Tea as she learns how to harness her powers and become a asha-one whilst also preparing for the dark forces that are quickly approaching. This series is a little out of my comfort zone but I'm looking forward to getting my hands on them and giving them a go. Plus the covers are absolutely stunning and will look amazing on my shelves when I actually sort them out.

The Night Circus- Erin Morgenstern
The Night Circus is a book that has been on my radar for years and at the beginning of the year I finally picked myself up a copy. Centred around a circus that arrives without warning, this follows two young magicians Celia and Marco within the circus who are battling to win a duel but unbeknownst to them only one can win. Yet strong competition turns into something more but the game is still on and only one can win. I'm putting this to one side until Autumn/Winter time as it seems to be the perfect book to read once those cold nights come in.

Romanov- Nadine Brandes
The next standalone book I plan on reading before the year is out is one that caught my attention by it's title. Part of me hoped that this would be a novelisation of Natasha Romanov but I soon worked out it was about another Romanov who's history I'm intrigued by. The Romanov family has fascinated people for years and whilst this tells their tale, it adds a fantasty twist to it. I'm dying to read this and add it to my collection but at the moment it's only available in hardback and I'm not the biggest fan of hardbacks at all.

Ninth House- Leigh Bardugo
This next book hasn't even come out yet, I don't know much about it but I know I want to read it. ;Leigh Bardugo is a queen in the BookTuber world and the hype for Ninth House is palpable. This is Leigh Bardugo's first foray into adult fiction and if the hype is as true as it says, this is going to be a smash.

The Cheerleaders- Kara Thomas
The Cheerleaders is another of those that has recieved mixed reviews but sounds like the kind of murder mystery I love. Five years ago five cheerleaders died in the space of a few weeks. Two in a car accident, two killed by the man next door and one comitted suicide. Now five years later there is no cheer squad, no haunting reminder of the horror that occured half a decade ago until the teachers decide to remember their lost cheerleaders. And that's when  Monica's world starts to unravel. She always suspected her sisters suicide was something strange but now as things come to light, she uncertain of what to believe and what not to. This sounds similar to A Good Girl's Guide To Murder which I read recently. Definitely one I'll be picking up as Halloween arrives.

To Kill A Kingdom- Alexandra Christo 
This is another book that is actually one it's way to me. Thank you Amazon. To Kill A Kingdom is again a little out of my comfort zone but the synopsis makes me eager to read it. Princess Lira is a siren and the most lethal of them all. With the hearts of seventeen princes in her possession, she is feared across the sea. Until a horrid twist of fate sees her being forces to kill one of her own. This gives me a twisted Little Mermaid vibe and I'm looking forward to sinking my teeth into when it arrives next week.

Sorcery Of Thorns- Margaret Rogerson
And the final book I want to read before the end of the year is Sorcery Of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson. This is a YA Fantasy novel that follws Elisabeth as she works to become a warden to the library that holds her kingdom's evils. Yet a sick twist of fate sees her work sabotaged and ends up with her being implicated in the crime. A lot of BookTubers have been raving about this recently and it sounds like it good have a good foundation for a new fantasy book in a world where warlocks, magic and dragons are sometimes over done. 

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