Thursday 11 July 2019

Top 5 Books Of The Year So Far

One of my biggest goals for 2019 was to read a little everyday which would hopefully lead to me reading more in general. I created a giant TBR list and started off the year well but fell into a reading slump around April/May time. However I've been bitten by the reading bug once more and whilst my TBR has gotten even bigger, I know there's more chance of me actually reading a lot of it. But today now I've finished my ramble, I'm here to talk you through the five books that have stood out the most to me out of all of them that I've read so far this year.

The Seven Deaths Of Evelyn Hardcastle- Stuart Turton
The first book that left it's mark this year was actually the first book I read in 2019. The Seven Deaths Of Evelyn Hardcastle is a murder mystery/psychological thriller that had me hooked. Centred around the death of Evelyn Hardcastle, this book has one main POV that goes through a rotation of eight different hosts as they attempt to put together all the clues that lead to her murder whilst also trying to stop her murder from happening at all. Yet they only live in one particular host for twenty four hours, each of whom has their own secrets that they'd rather keep hidden. I was hooked on this book. It's a little slow to start but once you really get into it, you'll find it hard to put down. I at one point thought I had figured out who the killer was but was quickly proven wrong when it took a twist that I did not see coming. If this isn't already on your TBR for 2019 then I suggest you add it, you won't regret it.

The Thousandth Floor- Katharine McGee 
Next up I read The Thousandth Floor, a futuristic Gossip Girl style YA novel. It followed five teenagers from different walks of live as their lives became intertwined with each other, all building up to a death foretold at the beginning of the book. What kept me hooked with this book was the intrigue about how the death unfolded and each individual character was involved or caught up in an aspect of it. I keep meaning to pick up the next book in this trilogy but always end up being distracted by another book of my TBR pile.

Gallery Of The Dead- Chris Carter
Last year I read The Caller by Chris Carter and I loved it. And it also got me hooked on Chris Carter's writing style and when I saw that he had another novel recently released I just had to pick it up. The ninth in an ongoing series centred around LAPD Detective Robert Hunter, Gallery Of The Dead follows as he attempts to catch a sadistic serial killer that leaves each of his victims laid out like an artifact in a museum. Chris Carter has nailed the thriller/crime genre perfectly and I've recently devoured his tenth book in the series. It's gruesome, it's twisty, it'll shock you and disgust you but it's also enthralling and whilst long, you'll have no trouble reading this book in a short time.

A Place Called Perfect- Helena Duggan
This next book I actually read in a day. It's unheard of me to be that engrossed in a book but A Place Called Perfect managed it. More of a middle grade book than a YA novel, it follows the story of Violet and her parents who move into a quaint little town called Perfect where everything is seemingly perfect but in fact holds a dark secret. I adored this book, it was cute yet dark and had twists and turns throughout. I found myself rooting for Violet as it progressed and I'm looking forward to carrying on with this series when I actually get round to buying the next book.

A Good Girl's Guide To Murder- Holly Jackson
And the last book I want to talk about is one my more recent reads but I couldn't not include it. A Good Girl's Guide To Murder is Holly Jackson's debut novel, debut novel, and it's astonishing. Centred around a murder case from five years ago, the police believe they found the killer but teenager Pip thinks they pinned the murder on the wrong person. And what follows is an amazingly written plot that is full of twists and shocking ending that even I didn't see coming. It had it's lighter more humorous moments and it surprisingly had a few emotional moments that hit me in a way a book hasn't hit me before. If you haven't thought to add this to your TBR then I say do it. You honestly won't regret it. I'm really looking forward to seeing what Holly Jackson comes up with next. 

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