Sunday 19 January 2020

20 Books I Want To Read In 2020

Yesterday I shared with you my Top 19 Books from last year and today I'm back to share with you the 20 books I want to read the most in the next twelve months. You'll notice there are a lot of sequels or final books in this list but they are ones I've been putting off reading for ages and it's about time I got round to it.

1- By the end of this month you'll be sick of hearing me talk about this book. This is one of two eagerly awaited sequels on this list and it's taunting me to finish my current book quicker so I can finally read it. A Heart So Fierce And Broken is the second book in The Cursebreakers series from Brigid Kemmerer. Following on from the events of A Curse So Dark And Lonely, this follows Harper and Rhen as they try and live their happily ever after but with Grey missing and the kingdom under threat once more, their happiness is short lived. If you've read my post from yesterday then you'll know how much I love this series and how excited I am to once again delve into this world.

2- Again if you read yesterday's post you'll know I adored Holly Jackson's debut novel A Good Girl's Guide To Murder. So to say I was excited to see it was getting a sequel was an understatment. The second book in this brilliant series follows Pippa who started her own true crime podcast after investigating that cold case. And whilst it's gone viral, she insists her days of playing detective are over. Or so she thought.When Jamie Reynolds disappears and the police insist on doing nothing it's left up to Pippa to search for the missing boy but as she does, she unearths some of her town's darkest secrets, that somebody would love to keep secret. This comes out in April and whilst the wait seems ridiculously long I know it'll all be worth it.

3- Now the rest of these books don't go in any particular order or pattern but this next one is my current read and so far I'm loving it. The Toll is the final book in the Arc Of A Scythe Trilogy by Neal Shusterman. It follows Citra and Rowan as they become Scythe apprentices and learn the true meaning of what it means to be a scythe. I can't even tell you what's happening in this book as it'll spoil Thunderhead and I ain't about to do that to you all. All I am going to say is that this book is truly going to be an amazing way to end a brilliant trilogy. I really hope that Neal Shusterman brings out another series in this world because I so desperately need more.

4- Another book that'll wrap up a favourite series of mine is The Queen Of Nothing by Holly Black. This is the third and final book in the Folk Of The Air series which follows Jude a human girl who's trying stake a claim in the Fae Court. I've seen many a review that say this is a disappointing end to an amazing series but I'm still eager to read it, especially after the way The Wicked King ended. Plus how stunning is this cover.

5- This next book was highly reviewed and recommened throughout last year that I knew I had to read it in 2020. Daisy Jones & The Six is a historical fiction that follows the coming together, success and break up of the ficitous 70s' rock band Daisy Jones And The Six. This is told through an interview format that for some may not be how they want to read this narrative but I'm looking forward to delving in and discovering this highly hyped book for myself. I'm just a little bummed out that it's so hard to get this cover here in the UK.

6- The Beautiful by Renee Ahdieh was a book that recieved a lot of attention when it was first released. It was hailed as being the book to bring Vampires back in literature but I've read many a mixed review on this book. Set in 1872 New Orleans, this books follows Celine as she arrives in her new home after fleeing from Paris. Taken in by a convent, Celine is quickly attracted to everything New Orleans has to offer from the music to the food but mostly to the danger. There may be many a mixed review about this book but I'm still looking forward to reading it, especially now I know it's the first of a series, with the second book being released sometime this year.

7- Up next is the first of two Erin Morgenstern novels that I need to read. The first is her latest release The Starless Sea. I've not really read the synopsis of this book like I originally did with The Night Circus but I know it follows a young man who works in a library. I don't plan on reading the synopsis of this book before I start it as I'd like to go into this knowing as little as possible.

8- Just like I how I want to go into her other novel, The Night Circus. This follows a travelling circus that only ever appears at night, of which two of it's performers are at loggerheads. Yet as the duel between them comes to a head, their feelings change and they must decide if their love is worth risking everything for. I brought this at the beginning of last year and never got round to reading it, so this year it's one book I definitely want to finish.

9- A sequel I'm looking forward to getting my teeth into is The Night Country by Melissa Albert. This is the sequel to The Hazel Wood which I read last year and I enjoyed it but found the ending a little disappointing. However I'm intrigued to see where Melissa Albert takes this series. The Night Country follows Alice after she's escaped the Hinterland and attempting to live a normal life. But when her fellow survivors from the first book start dying, she realises that escaping the Hinterland is harder than she thought and going back may be the only way to save everyone.

10- A book I was kindly gifted in 2019 that I didn't get round to reading was Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo. I've never read a Leigh Bardugo book before but I've heard nothing but good things about her first foray into Adult Fantasy. This follows Alex as she attends Yale University and becomes a member of the Ninth House, the house that watches over all of the other secret societies and houses on campus. I can't wait to start reading this and even though the hardback is intimidating, I'm really looking forward to reading my first Leigh Bardugo book.

11- This next book I didn't even know I wanted to read until I heard PeruseProject talking about it on BookTube. The Merciful Crow follows a world that has a very strict class system with Crows being the lowest of the low. They are the ones who are sent to clear away dead bodies and all the other gruesome jobs that nobody else wants to or will do. That is until one day a Crow called Fie realises she has a fugitive on her hands in the form of Crown Prince Jasmir. And that's all I know but I know that I'm going to enjoy reading this when I get my hands on it as it's world and class system seem extremely complex and interesting.

12- Last year I read The Deathless Girls by Kiran Millwood Hargrave and I absolutely adored it. So when I saw that she was releasing another book this year I knew I had to add it to this list. The Mercies which is due for release later this year, is a another reimagining of what it was like during the 1620 Witch Trials. It follows two women who are struggling to recover after a wicked storm kills off all the island's men. Throw in a group of men who arrive to eradicate of the alleged witchcraft that is running rampant through the island. I adore how Hargrave writes and how easily she can paint a picture in the reader's head. I know that whilst it may take a couple of chapters to really get into this book, I know once I'm hooked that I'm going to adore it.

13- Another book I've been dying to read since I heard PeruseProject talk about is The Bear And The Nightingale by Katherine Arden. This follows the life of Vasilia who has to get used to her new step mother and the ban on worshipping the household spirits. Yet when the crops begin to fail and misfortune stalks their small village, Vasilia must call on the dangerous gifts that she has had to conceal for all her life to protect the ones she loves. This is the first in what is claimed to be an amazing trilogy and I'm looking forward to delving into this year.

14- I meant to read this book last year but just never got round to it. Romanov by Nadine Brandes is a historical fiction that follows the last surviving Romanov as she attempts to smuggle an ancient spell to Siberia. It may be her family's only hope at surviving but with the leader of the Bolshevik Army hunting down the Romanov bloodline. she must decide whether to release the spell and deal with the aftermath or trust a solider who's nothing like the rest of his army. This sounds like it's going to have so many twists and turns and once I pluck up the courag to finally pay out for the hardback, I know I'm going to adore this.

15- A book I just recently brought and I can't wait to read is Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake. I read a sample of this on iBooks and I adored it so I can't wait to read the rest of this book. It follows three sisters who are destined by birth to be enemies until their sixteenth birthday when they face off til the death and the survivor takes the crown. I suck at explaining books, especially ones I'm excited to read but this has an amazing premise and I know this is going to be the start of another series I love.

16- The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell was a book that I only intially wanted to read because I liked the cover but when I looked into to it more, I realised this book had an amazing premise. In modern day New York magic is all but extinct. The remaining few who have magic are in hiding, afraid of being trapped by the Brink, a barrier that confines them to Manhatten. Yet one talented Mageus wants to bring down the Order that created the Brink and the only way to do that is to travel back to 1902 New York and steal the one remaining artefact that could stop the Order. An ancient book that can stop and destroy the Brink. Yet old New York is a lot more dangerous than one could believe and Esta has to make the hardest decision of her life.

17- Another sequel that I seriously need to read is The Last Of August by Brittany Cavallaro. This is the second book in the Charlotte Holmes series. Continuing on from the events of the first book, this follows Holmes and Watson as they attempt to find somewhere to take a Winter Break. Yet Charlotte isn't the only Holmes that has a secret and the tension at the Holmes estate is palpable at best. So when Holmes' uncle goes missing from the estate, another mystery is afoot. I love this series, it's fast paced, intriguing and will have you guessing at every page.

18- Five kids enter detention one day, only four leave. That is all I needed to read to know that I needed to read One Of Us Is Lying by Karen M McManus. I am such a bad book blogger, I again brought this book at the beginning of last year and I still haven't read it. I've also just brought it's sequel One Of Us Is Next. This is a Young Adult thriller that has slight Breakfast Club vibes with a hint of murder. I'm looking forward to reading both the books in this series and her other stand alone novel Two Can Keep A Secret.

19- The penultimate book I want to read in 2020 is yet another book I brought last year and just never got round to reading. Caraval by Stephanie Garber is a beautiful mystery that follows two sisters who have never left the island they live on and with one being proposed with marriage, she believes her chances to see the mysterious and invite only performance Caraval are over. Yet her chances are back when she's invited to Caraval but things go south very quickly once they arrive. With her twin sister kidnapped by the organizer's mastermind, Scarlett must find her sister first to win but it's never as simple as it looks. I know people have mixed feelings about this series but I'm really intrigued by how it'll all play out.

20- And the last book I want to talk about today is a book I've heard talked about recently on BookTube. Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte follows Keralie and Varin, one who is a upstanding citizen whilst the other is a skilled thief. Yet when Varin runs afoul of Keralie after a botched theft, the two must team up together to untangle the mystery and bring down the killer of their country's four queens. This gives me Three Dark Crown vibes and I've spent a good amount of time getting the two confused but I'm really looking forward to delving into this and getting lost in what sounds like a rich and intriguing world.

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