Monday 9 March 2020

Book Series I Want To Finish In 2020

I am terrible at keeping up with book series. I will hold my hands up and admit it. I have a minimum of ten already listed on my phone that I know that I need to finish. And those ten I am sharing with you today. Now not all of them are because I just haven't got round to them but some just haven't had the next part or the finale released and I'm waiting on them to be released before I can finally finish the series. However a few of them are books that have been sitting in my collection for a while now and I just haven't bothered to pick them up. I think it's best I start with them.

The first series I need to finish this year is The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. I started rereading the series last year but quickly lost interest after Book Two. Yet I desperately need to read the next four books to finally complete the series, something I've been aiming to do since I was a teenager. Plus I have The Dark Artifices trilogy staring down at me from a shelf and I can't start that until I finish The Mortal Instruments. Anyone who's read the series probably knows why I'm hesitant to continue with Book Three but I just need to suck it up and read it, otherwise I'm never going to be finished with the series and I'll never be able to catch up with Cassie Clare's books.

Another Cassandra Clare series I have to both start and finish again is The Infernal Devices Trilogy. I started this series back in 2018 and just never finished it. And I don't know why. I loved Clockwork Angel but just never got round to picking up Clockwork Prince afterwards. And again, I can't move forward and read Chain Of Gold (I am buying it though) when it's released because it features characters from the Infernal Devices series that I wasn't introduced to in Clockwork Angel. I think I'm going to just start this trilogy again as it's been so long since I read the first book and I don't think jumping head first into the second would be a wise move.

Harry Potter is up next and before you all die of shock, I have read Harry Potter in it's entirety, I just haven't finished my reread of it. I started this reread last year and read the first three books in the series but just haven't got round to picking up the rest. I definitely want to finish my reread of these but I'm torn between dragging it out and reading the illustrated editions as they're released or just carrying on with the copies I already have and then buying the illustrated editions to add to my collection. And then I think I'll be rewatching all the movies and I believe there's another trip to the studio tour in my future as well.

Last Summer I read the first book in what promises to be an amazing middle grade series but haven't finished yet. And that is the Perfect series by Helena Duggan. I literally devoured A Place Called Perfect in a day but for some unknown reason I waited until recently to pick up Books Two and Three. I loved the first book, I know I'm going to love the last two books so I don't know why it's taken me so long to even consider finishing the series. Thank god, these are quick reads as I think I need to reread A Place Called Perfect before I continue with the series.

Chris Carter quickly became one of my favourite crime writers after I stumbled across one of his books back in 2018. And in 2019 I read two more of his books but they were in fact books eight, nine and ten in his now ten book series following LAPD Detective Robert Hunter. Now luckily you don't need to necessarily read this series in order but ideally I'd like to read books one through seven before 2020 is up. If you're in the market for a well written, somewhat gory and addicitive crime series to read, I highly recommend reading this series. I didn't think anyone could beat Karen Rose crime writing wise but Chris Carter did just that and what I've read so far just knocks it out the park.

 A duology I need to finish is the Prosper Redding duology by Alexandra Bracken. I read the first book in this duo back in October but didn't purchase the final book until January this year. I absolutely adored The Dreadful Tale Of Prosper Redding, it was extremely well written for a middle grade series but life just got in the way which is why it's taken me so long to purchase the second book. Yet I'm really looking forward to reading The Last Life Of Prince Alastor and am aiming to read it at some point in March.

Three Dark Crowns is a series I started in February but am already eager to continue with and I'm aiming to have read it in it's entirety by the end of 2020.  It has the most amazing premise, following three queens that are training to not only take the throne but to kill two of their sisters in the process. All three queens are complexly written and each has their own dark secret that's constantly hinted at but never truly revealed until it's absolutely necessary. I've already brought the continuation One Dark Throne and am dying to just forget about all the other books in my TBR pile and just dive back into that world.

The last series that has been released in it's entirety that I want to finish this year is the Charlotte Holmes series by Brittany Cavallaro. I adore this series, it's the most amazing reimagining of a classic tale that I've ever read. Following Holmes and Watson's great great great grandchildren, each book follows another life threatening case that sucks the new generation of mystery solvers. It's a YA crime/thriller style book but does feature very heavy topics such as rape, drug abuse and eating disorders. I've read A Study In Charlotte and The Last Of August and loved them and The Case For Jamie is currently sat in my Amazon saved later section waiting for me to buy my Mother's Day gifts so I can then buy that and several other books I've got my eye on.

Now these last two are series that I'm waiting for the final book to come out in paperback so I can complete my collection. The first is the Truly Devious series by Maureen Johnson. This follows Stevie a true crime lover who's attending the infamous Ellingham Academy to follow her passion. And while she's there she's trying to solve the Ellingham case from 1936 whilst simultaneously trying to stay out of the sights of the killer that is lurking on the campus. I read Truly Devious last year and waited a good few months before I read The Vanishing Stair but I easily fell back into the world and I can't wait for The Hand On The Wall to be released so I can finish this series and complete my collection on the shelf.

And the final series I want to finish this year is the Folk Of The Air series by Holly Black. This is one of the most hyped book series around and I adored both The Cruel Prince and The Wicked King. If you haven't heard of this series it follows Jude who was kidnapped and taken to the land of Fae when she was a little girl. From there she's grown up being mistreated by her peers, especially the heinous Prince Cardan. And Queen Of Nothing when it's released in July is going to be the last part that's going to hopefully wrap up a lot of what happened in The Wicked King and hopefully give us a somewhat happy ending. I am a little worried though as I've seen the hardback and it's miniscule. I'm hoping that it's not too fast paced for it's size or that Holly Black has left a few plot lines hanging but I'm still looking forward to adding it's exquisite cover to my book shelves.

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