Thursday 28 March 2019

Monthly Favourites: March

March is finally coming to an end and that can only mean one thing. It's monthly favourites time. This month I have just three things to share with you and none of them are beauty related. I haven't found any new beauty loves this month and I haven't rediscovered any either, this month it's been all about the things I've seen and the hoodie I haven't been able to stop wearing.

My first and most important favourite of this month has to be my Missguided/Playboy Hoodie. I have literally lived in this hoodie all month. It's super oversized, I literally can't find my hands half the time when I wear this but it's also super cosy and warm. It's been the perfect thing to throw on when I'm nipping down the shops or when I'm not feeling like making a huge effort. And I've already more occasions to wear this (Avenger's Endgame I'm looking at you).

One of two amazing things I saw this month was Captain Marvel. When the trailers started to appear for this film, I wasn't too sure, I didn't think it would be my thing. But boy how wrong was I. I absolutely adored everything about it. Brie Larson was amazing as Carol/Captain Marvel and it was nice to see a bit of backstory on Fury, including the humourous way he actually lost his eye. It's one of the best films I've seen so far this year and I'm already looking forward to Captain Marvel joining the remaining Avengers' in Endgame (I'm totally not ready for Endgame).

And my last favourite this month is one I booked back in January after me and Jasmin decided to say fuck it and make 2019 our bitch. 2019 is the year we go to see more theatre, more concerts and actually do more with our lifes than drinking copious amounts of Starbucks and spending way too much money in Primark. So whilst I was enjoying a week off of work, me and Jasmin went up to London to finally see Aladdin at the Prince Edward Theatre. And oh god it was amazing, I've never loved a theatre show so much. The genie played by the amazing Trevor Dion Nicohlas was my absolute favourite and gave the whole show a similar vibe to the original Disney Animation without trying to hard to be like the original. I literally came out of the theatre humming Friend Like Me and I'd happily give my right arm to go back and see it again before it comes to the end of it's run in June.

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