Monday 1 April 2019

What I Read: March

Pinch, punch first of the month. Happy April 1st everyone! Today I'm back with my slightly late What I Read wrap up. March was a very hit and miss month for me bookwise and I only managed to finish two books even though I opened and attempted to read five different books throughout the month. I had a hard time being hooked in by any of them apart from these two but even at that, one was rather disappointing whilst the other was good but not astounding.

A Place Called Perfect- Helena Duggan
The first book I finished in March was A Place Called Perfect by Helena Duggan. Initally the cover was what caught my eye the most but after reading a preview on iBooks, the story itself had a pretty good premise. Following the story of Violet and her arrival in a town called Perfect, you follow her as she tries to adjust to living in this picture perfect town that certainly doesn't have space for an inquisitive and somewhat rebellious little girl such as Violet. I'm not too sure if this is marketed as young adult or more younger reading but I thoroughly enjoyed both the narrative and the writing style. It was an easy read and I found I devoured it in a day. It had the right mix of mystery, suspense as well as a little bit of humour and finished on a brilliant cliff hanger that made me add it's sequel straight to my Amazon basket. Out of the two books I've read this month, this is the one I recommend reading.

This Lie Will Kill You- Chelsea Pitcher
And the second book I finished this month turned out to be a massive disappointment even though it had a good premise and could have been an amazing thriller. This Lie Will Kill You centers around five teens who are all hiding their own secret concerning the death of a fellow student last year. That's until they're invited to a murder mystery party with the chance of winning $50,000. However it soon becomes aparent that the only murder mystery they'll be taking part in occured last year when they're secrets come out and their lives are at stake. Sounds pretty good doesn't it? Well it wasn't that good. It had so much promise but it fell so short of it. All the reveals were done before we'd even got halfway through the book and as soon as they'd entered the house it was clear who was behind it all. It got very confusing slipping between different perspectives and tenses, each characters individual arc getting lost in the main narrative even though the writer tried their hardest to introduce each character seperately. And the ending! Don't get me started on the ending. I just didn't get it. I even went back and reread the last five chapters and it still didn't make sense. Maybe if it had been building to a sequel of sorts then it would have made more sense but as a stand alone novel, it made absolutely no sense to me and seemed to come out of nowhere. Maybe if you've read it or reading it, you'll understand it more than me but for me it was too confusing and put me that little bit deeper into the reading slump I've been in. 

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