Thursday 11 April 2019

Recipe: Cream Egg Cupcakes

Let me start this off by saying I can't stand Cadbury's Cream Eggs. There's something about the insides that is just to sickly for me to handle and that's saying something considering the sweet tooth I have. Yet the rest of my family adore them and after seeing a picture of a recipe similar to this on Pinterest, I thought that I'd treat them all by making them some Cream Egg inspired cupcakes.

For The Cakes
- 100g Stork
- 100g Caster Sugar
- 100g Self Raising Flour
- 25g Cocoa Powder
- 2 Eggs

For The Buttercream
- 200g Butter
- 320g Icing Sugar
- 2 Tsp Vanilla Extract
- 1 Tube Of Orange Dr Oetker Gel Food Colouring
- A Smidge Of Milk
- 6 Cream Eggs

1- Pre heat oven to 180C. Line a twelve hole muffin tin with paper cases or if you're using baking cups like I did, place them on a flat baking tray.
2- Into a bowl place the sugar and the stork. Cream together until pale and fluffy in texture. You can use either a stand mixer or a silicone spatula to do this so that you get a really creamy. fluffy texture.
3- Add one egg and a tablespoon of flour. Beat until everything is combined and then repeat with your second egg.
4- Once both of your eggs have been added, fold in the rest of your flour and the cocoa powder. This is the only part of the recipe where slow and steady wins the race. Overbeating the mixture at this point will knock out any air you've already built up and you'll end up with cupcakes that don't rise much.
5- Spoon your mixture into your prepared cases/cups and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean. Leave them to cool in the tin for five minutes and then transfer over to a wire cooling rack to cool completely.
6- Now it's time to make the buttercream. Into a clean bowl place the butter and beat until soft, smooth and creamy.
7- Sieve in half of your icing sugar and beat until combined. Then repeat with the rest of your icing sugar, beating until fully combined. It's key to scrape around the bowl repeatedly so that there aren't chunks of icing sugar sat unmixed in your buttercream.
8- Add your vanilla extract and beat until combined. Now is the best time to get a feel of your mixture. You'll quickly be able to tell if it's going to be stiff to pipe or if it's just right. If you feel it's a little stiff then add a smidge of milk and beat until fully combined.
9- Separate your buttercream in half. Add the orange food colouring into one bowl and beat until combined. There is not right or wrong when it comes to the colour of your buttercream. I kept my quite pale to try and match the inside of a cream egg but if you want yours to be brighter then just add more food colouring.
10- Prepare a piping bag firstly with a 2D Flower Nozzle then with alternating spoonfuls of your two different colour buttercreams. When you pipe it onto your cupcakes, you'll get a two tone swirl effect something akin to what the inside of a cream egg looks like when bitten or broken into.
11- Pipe onto your now cooled cupcakes. Cut a cream egg in half and add place on top of your buttercream. I'd advise buying more cream eggs than you actually need so that if there are any unfortunate accidents you'll still have enough to decorate your cupcakes.
12- Once you've decorated your cupcakes, leave to set and then enjoy.

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