Monday 8 April 2019

Recipe: Mini Egg Rice Krispie Nests

Happy Monday! As a kid one of my favourite parts about the build up to Easter was getting to make Rice Krispie/Cornflake Cakes. And even at the ripe old age of twenty six I still love it. So today I'm sharing with you the recipe for them, it's perfect if you are just looking for a bit of nostalgia or looking for something to do with the kids over the Easter holidays.

- 400g Dairy Milk or Milk Chocolate
- 300g Rice Krispies
- 296g Mini Eggs

1- Line two twelve hole muffin tins with paper cases. Even though you aren't cooking these, the tins will help them keep some sort of shape as they set.
2- In a bain marie, melt your milk chocolate over a low heat. I know it's tempting to turn the heat right up but you'll end up burning the chocolate. Slow and steady definitely wins the race with this one.
3- Once your chocolate is melted, pour over your rice krispies and mix until everything is covered in chocolate. It may seem like you need to melt more chocolate but you don't. 400g is enough, it just takes a little patience and elbow grease to get it done.
4- When everything is finally covered, spoon into your paper cases and decorate with the mini eggs. I went with three on the top of each nest as two seemed too stingy and four seemed like an overload. It also meant I had the perfect amount of mini eggs, even if I did help myself to a couple inbetween decorating them.
5- Leave to set and then enjoy. Or if your me, leave to set, tell your stepdad he can't have any repeatedly, photograph as quickly as possible and then watch as they get devoured.

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