Tuesday 17 September 2019

Five Things I'm Looking Forward This Autumn/Winter

As you probably already know I love Autumn, literally everything about Autumn. I love watching the leaves change colour, love how the weather cools down, how it's acceptable to drink numerous cups of tea and hot chocolate. Autumn is my absolute favourite time of the year. And like every year I have a few thing coming up through the upcoming months that I'm beyond exciting for.

The first of these that I'm beyond excited for is one that I never thought I'd actually get to see, like ever. And that's Nightmare Before Christmas Live. I've seen so many videos of this when it's on in the US but never thought it would visit the UK and fufill what would be a childhood dream if I'd known this exsisted when I was little. If you haven't already worked it out, I'm a huge fan of Nightmare Before Christmas with one of my earliest memories being me sat in front of the TV when I was no older than three watching it on a continous loop until my mum hid the video from me. So getting to see the actors and actresses sing and act along to the film in person is a dream come true. I've had my outfit planned since before I even ordered the tickets and I've even started putting some money away incase there is merchandise when we get there. Decemeber 5th can't come quick enough.

The next thing I'm looking forward to this Autumn/Winter is the decorating in the build up to both Halloween and Christmas. I'm a sucker for seasonal decorations and can easily buy a ton of ones that I don't necessarily need or have room for. It's become a thing amongst me and my mates about how I'm going to outdo myself each year and apart from last year I can safely say I've outdone myself each year. This year I was going to try and rein it in but I quickly decided fuck it, you do you boo. So when the madness at work ends, I'm hauling my ass down to the likes of Homesense and Hobbycraft and I'm stocking up on all things spooky with maybe a couple of Christmas bits thrown in.

Now this next one I'm sure a lot of you will think I've ruined the surprise but me and Jasmin actually planned this last week when we had a catch up. Last year she kindly took me to the Harry Potter tour for my birthday. We went towards the end of Novemeber when they had all their Christmas decorations up and I was blown away by it all. And this year I was struggling to think of something I wanted to do. Until I saw an advert for Halloween at the Harry Potter Studio Tour. I put it towards Jasmin as a fun and kind of spooky thing to do at Halloween and she asked me if I wanted to do it for my birthday as an early birthday present. And how was I to refuse. And whilst we're not going on actual Halloween, we're still going when they're showing the Halloween decorations so I'm buzzing and plan on buying even more of the gift shop this time round. It also helps me forget that I'm slowly edging my way closer to thirty than twenty.

Autumnal dressing is one of my favourite parts of the season change. We can say goodbye to the barely there vests, denim shorts and flip flops and say hello to the chunky jumpers and cute boots. I've already started picking up a few pieces for my autumnal wardrobe and they're not the usual oversized jumpers that I usually pick up. Sure I'll buy a couple if they catch my eye but this year I've extended my style to trying check shirts that will pair well with my trusty black skinny jeans and newly acquired Dr Martens. I just love how easy it is to layer up an outfit that is not only comfy and cosy but is still cute and not too over the top. And now is the perfect time to snap up those go to pieces for the season which I'll be doing once I'm not doing as many hours at work.

Now I know this makes me sound extremely British but I am extremely British and I love a good cuppa. And now the weather has started to turn and cool down, I'm drinking cuppa's by the bucket load. It's my last thing I'm looking forward to doing as the season turns. I love a good hot drink and now it's becoming acceptable to have a hot drink or three throughout the day, I'll be stocking up on tea bags, coffee and hot chocolate so I can have a nice hot drink when I get home from work and curl up in my cosy pjs.

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