Friday 20 September 2019

Where I've Been

Hi everyone! I'm Zoe, the worst blogger ever. I'm only joking, I'm not the worst, nor do I think badly of myself for having let the blog slide the last few months. As a lot of you may have noticed I've not posted as much this year and whilst a lot of it is just pure laziness there have been a couple of periods of time when it's been completely necessary.

Back in April you may have noticed I took an extended break. I did it for the sake of my mental health. I was going through a bit of a rough time, burdened with imposter syndrome and that horrendous feeling of not being enough. And the last thing I wanted to do was put what I could of my heart and soul into something that could potentially fall flat on it's face. So I took a break and when I kicked back most of the imposter syndrome and the anxiety. When I'd gotten a good sleeping pattern in place and wasn't wide awake until half two every morning I came back to blogging. And the slight gaps ever since have been due to longer hours at work, laziness or lack of inspiration. I'm not going to lie about it, I'm human and no one person is perfect.

However this month I've felt particularly guilty about not having posted as much, especially since I had so many Autumn inspired posts coming up that I was dying to share. But my lapse in posting comes with a good reason, one I'm extremely proud of. I GOT PROMOTED! For the last two months I've been training for a promotion that is way overdue. And last week it was signed off on and what was a hectic, anxious time has now come to a close and I can relax slightly and put more of my attention back to my little old blog where I share bakes, skincare, books and the occasional picture of my face. I'm not saying that it's going to go straight back to that strict three post a week schedule I had but I am working on posting more and hopefully being back to some sort of schedule by the begining/middle of October.

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