Tuesday 10 September 2019

Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn

It's that time of the year again! The time of year that sets my soul on fire and makes me the best version of me. Yes it's time to say goodbye to Summer and say Hello to Autumn. Now I know the weather doesn't reflect the season and that officially Autumn doesn't start until the 23rd of this month but to me Autumn starts at the beginning of the month when the likes of Bake Off and Strictly return to our screens.

Now I know a lot of people are sad to see Summer go but I am definitely not one of them. I love to see the back of Summer with it's expectations of being Beach Ready, with the shops filled with nothing but minscule crop tops and denim shorts that show more ass cheek than they cover. And if you've got the figure and the confidence to wear that throughout the Summer then good for you, I applaud you but as someone who has a little more meat on her bones, I find it ridiculously frustrating. Buying even the simplest of items such as a basic t-shirt becomes ten times harder as everything is cropped, has some ridiculous kind of neckline or a cheesy slogan that only applies to a handful of people. Autumn however it becomes jumpers galore and I'm in my element. My wardrobe grows at a rapid rate and I love how something simple such as a jumper paired with boots and jeans can look put together whilst still looking comfy and casual. This year I've invested in some Dr Martens and I'm dying to wear them with the plethora of outfits I've planned out in my head.

I'm also someone who's very happy to say goodbye to those ridiculously hot temperatures we've faced for the last two summers. I don't do very well in the heat and find when it's extremely hot, I become very lethargic and sleepy but struggle to sleep at night which leads to me being grumpy and snappy for no reason. Whereas in the Autumn I'm a happier person, I love that I can curl up in a hoodie and sweats and not being sweating my balls off and when it finally drops that last few celsius I can sleep in said hoodie with as many duvets and blankets as possible. It also means that dinner becomes a plethora of options including things such as stews, pies and the good old Sunday roast. The Summer months don't equate to much more than salad after salad and the occasional take away whenever someone can't be bothered to cook.

And the final reason I'm happy to say goodbye to Summer is because my productivity levels soar and I feel like I'm at my creative best. I don't know if it's because I know both Halloween and Christmas are waiting for me during these last few months of the year but I'm always suddenly full of ideas. It happens every year and whilst a lot of the time this ideas never come to fruition, I always have good intentions in mind. This year is a good example of that. I have all my recipes and posts planned out for the rest of the year and I've even managed to start my Halloween recipes so I'm not rushing them in October. Sure it's been a bit lacking post wise here lately but after Thursday when my training for my promotion is all over and done with, I'm hoping to be back and fingers crossed better than ever. I've had so many good ideas that I want to share with you all and I want to do it when I've got the time to focus on them completely instead of splitting my time between two things, one of which is causing me more stress and anxiety than necessary. But as I said after Thursday that'll all be done with and I'm then going to have more time to focus on sharing what I've been working on with you all.

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