Tuesday 23 June 2015

Review: Spray Moisturiers

If there is one thing I always forget or miss when it comes to looking after my skin, it's moisturiser. I always remember to moisturise my face but very rarely do I remember my body. When I do remember it I always make sure I use the right product for the right season. I use body butters in the autumn/winter when my skin needs more moisture.

Now we're in summer though, I found myself looking for something a little bit lighter and easier to apply. That's where Palmer's and Vaseline come in, they've both released products that are exactly what I'm looking for. Both these big brands have recently released their own versions of a spray and go moisturiser that makes getting ready quicker. With these products, the days of digging deep into a tub or waiting for the tackiness to go are gone.

The Vaseline Spray and Go is probably the one most of you have heard of as it's been highly advertised at the moment. It's a brilliant product and comes in a variety of scents. Before I brought the Palmer's one this was my go to moisturiser. It's one of the simplest products to use, just unclick the lid and spray. The mist is fine and a small amount goes a long way. Once rubbed into the skin, it doesn't leave behind a greasy residue, making it a perfect product for people in a rush.

The Palmer's version though is my favourite and it's purely becasue of the smell. The Vaseline one smells nice, especially the cocoa scent but I'm a sucker for anything coconut and Palmer's just nail it. Like the Vaseline one, the Palmer's moisturiser gets it scent from it's ingredients but the coconut scent sticks around longer than the cocoa and is surprisngly refreshing if you catch a whiff. Along the same lines as the Vaseline one, unlock the lid, spray and rub in, this one leaves a slightly tackier finish to the skin but stick to clothes or leave any stains.

Both these products are brilliant if you're looking for a lighter moisturiser this summer or if you're looking for a quick fix on busy days. They've changed the way I look at moisturising and I've not been anywhere near a tub of body butter since I got them. Brillaint scents, easy to use and as I said a quick summer fix, I highly recommend you try these if you're looking for a new summer moisturiser.

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