Tuesday 13 September 2016

Top Tips For Sensitvie Skin

For the longest time I've suffered with sensitive skin. It's made trying skincare products a hassle and even finding core staples in my skincare routine hard work. Luckily as I've gotten a bit older my skin has changed and is less sensitive towards certain products/ingredients. So today I thought I'd share with you my top five tips for sensitive skin.

The first and most important tip is drink plenty of water. It's everyone's top tip for looking after skin but if you have sensitive skin this actually helps soothe the skin. Water is brilliant as it doesn't only hydrate the skin which essentially gives skin that plump healthy look to it but it also helps reduce the look of dark circles and redness. It may seem like the most bland thing to drink and some may struggle to drink the recommended amount each day but when you start to see the results in your skin it's all worth it. I use these Evian 2 Litre bottles as a guide to how much I've drunk in a day and if I drink a whole bottle then not only do I feel better in myself I know my skin is going to look and feel better as well.

The next tip is too avoid any products that are too drying, stripping or harsh on the skin. Products such as acid toners, acid treatment pads, charcoal masks and products with a high alcohol content are not going be nice to people with sensitive skin. They're more likely to cause breakouts, redness, rashes, texture, dryness and irritation. However there are products out there that you can use that hopefully won't cause your skin any irritation. If you want to try Glycolic Acid but don't want your skin to break out, try the Pixi Glow Tonic or the Nip & Fab Glycolic Extreme Fix Night Pads. Both can be used on sensitive skin, contain 5% Glycolic Acid and are best used as once or twice a week treatments for sensitive skin. The same stands for the Sanctuary 5 Minute Thermal Detox Mask. It's a charcoal based face mask designed to pull out the crap from your skin, however if you have sensitive skin then it can be drying. Not as drying as other charcoal masks on the market but still somewhat stripping, this is best to be used once or twice a week for the recommended time period. It can cause breakouts and skin may play up afterwards but that's what the ingredients inside are there for, to help detox skin. Some of the best products to treat my skin even when it's feeling ultra sensitive.

Another great tip is to not over-exfoliate your skin. Exfoliation is key to help remove any dead skin cells on the face and leave skin feeling softer, smoother and texture free. However too much exfoliation can cause irritation, which could leave skin looking red, feeling sore and could even cause break outs. And when you do exfoliate try not to scrub to harshly at the skin as it's just going to cause the same issues for your skin. A couple of good exfoliating products which are good for the skin are the Olay Anti-Wrinkle Face Wash and the Loreal Pure Clay Glow Mask. Both containing exfoliating micro beads that help aid the removal of dead skin cells. The Pure Clay Mask you obviously leave on for the standard ten minute period but when it comes to removal you can/are recommended to rub the mask where it sits on your skin to activate the micro beads inside and scrub gently at the skin. These are products I'd advise one or twice a week so that the skin doesn't become too sensitive and aggravated.

The next one is very obvious but people sometimes do forget it. Aim to use products that are designed especially for sensitive skin. These products tend to have lower or no alcohol content and any abrasive or irritating ingredients are a lot less potent in the product if they are in there at all. Simple and Simply Pure are brilliant brands for sensitive skin as every product in their range is aimed at sensitive skin and hypoallergenic. The Simple Micellar Water is one of the best I've tried, it doesn't break the skin out, doesn't irritate skin and actually removes all signs of make up or dirt and grime. The Clean and Clear Deep Cleansing Lotion is another brilliant cleansing lotion aimed at sensitive skin. It contains Salicylic Acid to help clear away break outs but is aimed at sensitive skin so it shouldn't cause redness, irritation or break outs. I've been using this since I was thirteen and haven't had any adverse effects.

And when it comes to SPF there is one that is brilliant for people who are worried about wearing it. The Hawaiian Tropic Facial SPF is oil free, hypoallergenic and light enough to wear on a day to day basis. Because it's oil free it means it's less likely to block pores and leave a build up on your skin even after cleansing. It's a personal favourite of mine as it has something in it that sort of blurs skin and gives it a better look without make up. If you can still pick this up then I'd highly recommend doing so.

And the final tip follows on from the previous one. Try to use products that contain natural ingredients or ingredients aimed at soothing and looking after the skin. Liz Earle is a brilliant brand for sensitive skin. Most of their products contain natural ingredients such as Aloe Vera, Vitamin E and Shea Butter. The Cleanse and Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser works as both a cleanser and an exfoliant, both of which won't irritate the skin. However if Liz Earle is a little bit out of your budget then I'd recommend trying the B range. It's products are all tested on real women, aimed at enhancing the skin and most of their products contain Allatonin, an ingredient which helps soothe skin. Their Essence Lotion and Hyaluronic Acid Facial Spritz both contain Allatonin which helps to soothe the skin whilst adding moisture. All four of these products have helped to reduce my redness, especially the Liz Earle products so if redness is an issue I'd recommend giving them a go.

That's it for my Top Tips for Sensitive Skin. Have you got any of your own tips. I'd love to hear them so don't hesitate to share them in the comments below.

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