Saturday 19 January 2019

2019 Goals

Last year I set myself ten goals I wanted to work on in 2018 to further myself as a person. Some of those I succeded in and some of them I kept up for a while then let them slide away without noticing. However as 2019 gets into swing, I'm giving myself another set of goals that I want to use to create a better, happier version of myself that I can carry forward after this year has ended.

1- Get A Tattoo 
Now this was on my goals list for last year and I never got it done. Not because I forgot about it or that I couldn't handle the pain. But because I couldn't chose a design I wanted or a place where I wanted it on my body. I don't want a massive tattoo, just something small and delicate looking would be fine with me and I've spent endless hours scrolling through Pinterest looking for inspiration. I think I have a good idea what I want and wear I want it but knowing me that'll change over time and I'll probably start 2020 still wanting a tattoo.

2- Read Everyday
Last year I wanted to read more and thought it would be a good idea to challenge myself to read five books a month. And if you followed my What I Read series last year, you'll have noticed that it soon fizzled out. That's because I was pushing myself too much and I lost my love for reading. Whereas this year I want to read everyday even if it's just for fifteen minutes. I'm hoping that by reading even for a small period of time everyday will encourage me to read more overall and reach my GoodReads goal of 60 books for the year. And so far it's working, we're only two weeks into January and I've alread read two books. Fingers crossed I can keep it up for the rest of the year.

3- Drink More Water
Again I put this in my 2018 Goals and started off well, especially over the Summer but let it dwindle during the colder months. I really want to get back into the habit of drinking more water. During the horrendous heatwave we had last year I was drinking a good two to three litres a day and it's effects really showed. I felt more alert, didn't have a mid afternoon slump and as my for skin, it was flawless. I didn't have any breakouts, redness or discolouration. I loved how it looked and I'd quite like to get it back to looking like that again. So far I'm doing rather poorly at it but it's something I'm working on.

4- Do More That Sets My Soul On Fire
I've been saying this more and more as I get older. I don't want to waste my time doing nothing and having no memories to look back on. I want my life to be filled with old ticket stubbs, pictures and memories of time well spent. Last year I made good headway on it, going to not one but six theatre shows, a trip to the zoo and my first trip to the Harry Potter Studio Tour. And this year I want to continue that, something me and Jasmin have made good headway on already. We've already booked tickets to go and see Aladdin in the West End and Shawn Mendes when he comes to the O2 and that's all before the end of April. Plus I have two theatre shows with mum booked and that still leaves a good six months free to find more and more to do than just sitting in my pjs binge watching a show I've probably watched a thousand times over. Not that it's a bad thing but it's something I've wanted to do less of over the last couple of years. 

5- Stop Worrying About What Others Think Of Me  
Now this last one is essentially the biggest one and is a goal or an aim if you like that I set myself every year and somehow manage to fail every year. I'm a worrier, I worry about what people think about me, my personality, what I'm wearing, what my make up looks like. I worry about that way too much. And in 2019 I'd like to try and stop worrying so much about that and live life as worry free as possible. I know it's not something that's going to happen overnight but it's definitely something I want to work on and in a way I'm already making leaps and bounds towards it. However I think it's something that will never truly go away, especially in this day and age of social media where every one has to look a particular way and life a particular life. I'm not a skinny girl, I'm not the most beautiful woman in the world, I'm a little kooky and I can easily rub people the wrong way but there all things I know and accept about myself and I just need to get into the mindset that if I can accept myself for who I am, flaws and all then the opinions of others will not matter or play on my mind too long. 

1 comment:

  1. Wrinkle Couture products like this especially if it's not from like an American brand or something you know you can do like like a little tester like on little parts of your face you can do it like around here or whatever just to see kind of test it out before you actually put it on your whole face just to make sure you don't have a reaction and like walk around what Andreea I have oily skin I can't put all my yes you can so one of the reasons I started doing this doing research on skincare is because I started my Instagram and I was trying all these different foundations and products and they were just looking so bad on my skin I couldn't figure out like was it the makeup wasn't my technique what was it and it was this bad girl right here it
