Wednesday 2 January 2019

Marks And Spencer Beauty Advent Calendar Review

For the last three years Marks And Spencer have released an beauty advent calendar on the countdown to Christmas. And for the last three years I've brought it. The first year was amazing, the second year even better but this years was a little bit of a disappointment. It was that disappointing that I am actually considering not repurchasing it when they release 2019's in November.

If you've never seen the M&S Beauty Advent Calendar before, it looks a little like this. Each year is a new design but you always recieve twenty five boxes, each containing a sample size or full size product from the variety of brands that they sell within their Beauty Hall. It retails for £250-£280 a year depending on the products inside but is always offered on a deal of being reduced down to £35 when you spend £35 on clothing or beauty instore. It's easily done and not only do you have products or gifts that you actually needed to buy but you also have a beautifully designed beauty advent calendar for a fraction of it's retail price.

Now if you've been around here for a while then you know I like to unbox and share each day of the calendar with you all. This year was no different but as some of you may have noticed, a lot of the products were a let down and I didn't finish unboxing the last few days. Not only was I too busy to get those last few posts up but I also didn't want to open them to see what lay in each box. A lot of the products whilst decent products were repeats from previous years or were filler products which made them feel a bit like a cop out. Their Beauty Hall has a ton of amazing brands that they could have picked from but some of the days contained a miniature blush from Autograph which isn't to be sniffed at but could have easily been replaced by something else from the brand or a different brand entirely. In previous years you've had the likes of Rodial, Emma Hardie, Alpha H and REN. This year these brands were missing and whilst I understand that they want to give each brand they offer a fair chance to be sampled by their customers, the lack of these higher end brands took away from the luxurious feel from previous years.

Each year I've unboxed these calendars I've been known to keep a large amount of the products I recieve on my unit by my bed. This year I've kept a lot less out to use than in previous years. Out of the twenty five products I recieved, only eight of them actually stayed out of their boxes and got used. The other seventeen sit still in their boxes waiting to be either given to family and friends or donated to those less fortunate. There is nothing wrong with the products, I'm not being ungrateful for recieving them but a lot of them either don't work with my skin or aren't products I use on a daily basis. Yes I understand that the calendar has to be diverse and meet not just my requirements as a consumer but I can guarantee that I'm not the only person who brought this calendar and didn't use every single product.

Overall this calendar was a let down compared to previous years and I think I may have to think about whether I buy the 2019 edition when it's released. If they were to revert to the brands they featured in the first two years, I think I'd happily buy it once again but if they have a product selection like they had this year then I think I'll keep my £35 and put it towards another beauty advent calendar that I'll probably enjoy more.

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