Friday 12 January 2018

2018 Goals
2018 is already in full swing and everyone is/has been making New Years Resolutions. For me, I haven't made any resolutions as I never remember them and always end up breaking them. So instead I'm making a list of goals that I want to achieve this year as I feel having a goal instead of a resolution will make me more likely to want to fufill them. There are only a few but they are all things I've been meaning to do for a while now.

1- Change Jobs
As I write this, I've already achieved this goal. The company I currently work for, I've been with for six years and in that time I've learnt a lot but it hasn't allowed me to grow. And this year I wanted a change. I wanted to grow and improve on skills that I've learnt from them and on as myself as a person. So I've gone and gotten myself another job. I've handed my notice in with my current employer and whilst it's going to be sad to say goodbye to a wonderful bunch of women who I consider my friends, I need to do this for myself not only physically but emotionally and mentally as well. I'm looking forward to starting my new job and all the oppotunities I'm going to have as well.

2- Read More
This is something I say I'm going to do every year and never get round to it. However this year I'm determined to read more. When I was younger I could read two or three books a week but as I've gotten older it's dwindled down to one a month if I'm lucky. So 2018 is going to be the year I read more. I've already gotten a list of books I want to read and have set myself a target of five books a month which I'll be featuring in a new series that'll be appearing on here at the end of this month. It's already off to a good start, I've already finished one book and am halfway through a second.

3- Bake More
Baking is something I've always enjoyed but only really gotten into in the last six months. Yet with my current employer I didn't really get much time to bake, whereas with my new job I'll have more time to bake and work on improving my skills such as icing and pastry. There are going to be a lot more baking posts appearing as it's the next biggest passion of mine after beauty. The first one actually goes up next week.

4- Take Better Care Of Myself
This one has a wide range of things within it. Towards the end of last year I stopped really looking after myself. A lot of it was stress related but I found I didn't have the motivation to do the everyday things that I usually wouldn't hesistate to do. You may have noticed I dropped off the radar post wise in December but now I'm back and don't plan on going anywhere. But this year I want to keep myself as stress free as possible and keep up the various routines I have that I do like clockwork and that look after me as a whole. It's things like taking my vitamins, washing my face twice a day, taking time to do a face mask. Things that'll look after me both inside and out that also relax me and make me forget about the stresses of the day.

5- Improve On The Blog
Now as I said I took a bit of time off from posting at the end of December. A combination of working a lot, not feeling motivated and a bit of disappoinment at the lack of engagement over social media sort of put me off. However it's a new year and I'm vowing to not miss a post in the next fifty-two weeks. And alongside that, I want to improve on both my photography and my writing. A lot of the time due to work and a serious case of procrastination I always end up rushing my posts and they never turn out they way they do in my head as I plan them. So this year I'm going to try and pre write as much as I can without stressing myself out. I don't want to post half effort posts this year, I want them to improve and to reach new readers and to give my exsisting readers better content.

6- Do More That Makes My Soul Happy 
This one is pretty much self explanatory. And goals one to five pretty much sum up a few of the things I'm doing to make myself and my soul happy. But apart from those I also want to spend more time with the people that matter the most to me, that care about me and my wellbeing. And it's the simplest things that do it, things like coffee with Jasmin or a night spent lounging on her sofa in my pjs, smothered by her animals as we eat pizza and watch bad film adaptations then so be it. But I want to do things this year that will make me smile when I look back at them or that give me that boost when I'm feeling a bit crap and not worthwhile. I said it to Jasmin and I meant it, 2018 is going to be my year and I'm not going to let anything stop that from happening. 

7- Get A Tattoo
This is something I've been thinking about since I was eighteen but I've never known what I wanted or where I wanted it. And getting a tattoo is a big thing, once it's there, it's not going anywhere. Well not easily at least. But this year I'd like to get my first tattoo. I've seen so many stunning ones on Pinterest and Instagram and it's given me an idea of what I'd like and where I'd like it. So keep your eyes peeled on my Instagram or on here for it when I finally pluck up the courage to get it.

8- Get A Piercing
Now this is more my area and I know that I can go and get this done with any trepidation at all. I have a lot of piercings (five lobe, forward helix, tragus, double cartilage,rook and conch FYI)  already but have wanted another for a while and think it's time I stopped thinking about it and just got it done. The next piercing I plan on getting is my daith, it's between the rook and tragus area of the ear and when done with a small hoop that's not too outlandish it's extremely pretty. I just hope it looks the same on me. And again keep your eyes on my Instagram and on here for when I get it done. I'm pretty sure it's going to be in the near future.

9- Change My Hair
Again this is something I say I'm going to do every six months or so and never get round to it. But this is the year where I finally do something. My hair is extremely long and has the remnants of red ombre at the ends. Now I know I want/need to get it cut but I haven't quite decided on how much I want taken off. And the same stands for the ombre. I know it's well out of fashion now but I loved how it looked on me and how it gave my dark hair a little something extra without being an all over dye that I couldn't change on a whim if I grew bored of it. The cut is definitely happening but I'm still not sure on the ombre. Let me know if you think I should do it again even if it's just because it's something that makes me happy or if you think it'll look good.

10- Drink More Water
And this last one is one I've pretty much failed at already. I don't drink enough water and I know I should. However I always find myself getting to that point where water becomes dull and tasteless to me and then I find I can't drink it. But this year I'm going to try and I mean really try to drink more water. Not only is it going to do wonders for my skin, it's also going to do wonders for me in general. I'll sleep better without so much caffeine running through my system, my skin will be clearer and my teeth won't be battered by the acid found in fizzy drinks on a daily basis. I think I'm going to start this again on Monday because I always find it good to start things on Mondays and also so that I can drink fizzy over the weekend and curb my hormonal cravings for it.

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