Saturday 10 November 2018

Turning 26: The Things I've Learned In The Last Year

Next weekend (the 17th) I turn twenty six. Part of me is absolutely terrified at getting another year older but part of me is also excited for what being twenty six holds for me. And it got me thinking as to how I spent being twenty five and what I learnt during the last three hundred and sixty five days. I feel like I have grown as a person in the last year and I've learned a few lessons that have really taught me not only about me but about others and life in general.

The first and most important thing I've learned in the last year is that everything happens for a reason. At the very beginning of the year I was gearing up to leave a job I'd worked hard at for six years. Back when I applied for the job, wrote out my resignation and prepared myself to say goodbye to people who aren't only my colleagues but my friends and in some case my family, I realised I didn't actually want to leave and my leaving for a new job was because I'd acted rashly during a bad period of time. And I found I didn't want to leave, I didn't want to go and learn a whole new job when I'm was and still am perfectly good at my job. But then the company I was supposed to be starting with decided to play me about and give me less work than I'd been promised during the interview process and two days before my notice was up with work, I had to swallow my pride, steel my nerves and ask if I could stay with my current job. Fortunately for me, they were more than happy to keep me on and now a good ten months later, I am still with them and I am so glad that I didn't leave. The whole situtation taught me that everything happens for a reason and no matter how much you fight it or try and work around, it will still happen and it's safe to say that I am more than grateful that everything that happened, happened and that I can say I'm still working in a job I love, I'm good at and didn't have to say goodbye to any of my friends.

The second thing I've learned is that if people want to be in your life they will make the effort. This year I've lost contact with both friends and family after coming to the realisation that it was a one sided relationship and that keep trying to create a conversation or keep a bond afloat that the other person clearly wasn't interested in keeping up wasn't worth my time and effort. It may seem selfish of me to cut contact with these people but I was tired of trying my hardest with them and recieving absolutely fuck all from them. I always try and see the best in people but even I have limits and with certain individuals it was reached this year. I have an amazing circles of friends and whilst it's small, I believe in having quality over quantity. And these people don't let me down, they don't expect me to arrange everything or to get in contact first. They're there for me when times are tough, they lift me up when I'm at rock bottom, they keep me grounded and they love me unconditionally without wanting nothing more than my love back. I can't wait to spend the future making memories with these people, especially with the trips, events and times we all have planned to spend together.

Throughout secondary school (high school) I was always worried about what people thought of me, I was a sheep, I followed everything the 'cool' girls did to try and fit in and for a long time after finishing school, I continued to do so. Yet as I've gotten older, especially in the last couple of years, I've learnt that it's okay to be different from everyone else, to have different passions, hobbies, likes and dislikes. Individuality is something that is hard to find nowadays and as I come up to my twenty sixth birthday, I find myself expressing my own more and more everyday without giving a fuck if my family, friends or even work colleagues like it. I'm not the same person I was five even ten years ago and for that I'm extremely proud. Sure I may not be the coolest person in the world but I'm happy with who I am as a person and that's all that matters. And if you're family and friends love you as much as you think they do, then they will support, listen, take part in and cheer on anything your passionate about as they just want to see you happy. It's something I feel extremely lucky to have in my life, each of my friends and family respect my choice in hobbies and passions even if it's not something they particuarly like themselves and never make me feel bad about liking anything, even if it's something they don't like or understand. 

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