Wednesday 13 February 2019

How To Enjoy Valentines' As A Singleton

Valentine's Day is tomorrow and for many millions of people, they're gearing up to celebrate the day with their loved ones. But there are also millions of people who are single and don't enjoy the 14th of Febraury, there are even some who loathe the day. At school when it was another day to pick on those who didn't fit into the cool kid asethetic, I absolutely loathed the day. Yet as I've gotten older, I've grown to hate it less. I don't think I'll ever grow to love Valentine's but I think most of that comes from the fact that there are times when it makes me feel lonely. Yet with the invention of Galentines', there are plenty of ways to cure those Valentine's blues and today I'm going to share with you a few things to do to enjoy Valentine's as a singleton and how giving yourself a little self love and care is better than any present on Valentine's.

Galentine's is the best way to cure those blues. If you have an amazing group of lady friends who also happen to be single, a day spent with them is a day well spent. Make plans, get dressed up and spend countless hours laughing your ass off with your closest gal pals. Lunch plans, dinner plans, a day spent snuggled up in your pjs watching trashy romance movies, they're all great plans that can be done with your ladies. Or if your friends are busy, spend the day with your mum. I know that sounds lame but trust me, a day spent with my mum is all I need sometimes. Again lunch, dinner or a duvet day are great ideas and half the time don't cost the earth. Plus it may just help distract her from the slightly disastrous gift your dad panic brought her, if he remembered at all.

Take yourself out. Get dolled up, go shopping, treat yourself to that bag, those shoes or even that new lipstick you've been eyeing up. Stroll around, shopping bags in one hand, coffee in the other like your Blair Waldorf, like the only thing you care about is spending that cash you've worked hard to earn. And of course with that being said, don't go too overboard. Don't spend money that you don't have and don't leave yourself struggling to pay for necessities until your next paycheck. This is one of two plans I have for myself this Valentine's. New Look have a couple of little beauts in there at the moment and I think they'd make the little to me, from me gift.

However if you don't feel like going out, stay in, have a pamper day. Stay in your pjs all day, watch trashy movies, eat all the snacks. Do whatever you want to do. I personally plan on coming home from work, running myself a hot bubble bath with a hot chocolate and a marathon of Harry Potter. Yeah I know it's not very romantic but I'm not a big fan of romance/chick flick films and I'm currently on a Harry Potter kick. And whilst you're at it, cook yourself your favourite dinner or order in, do a little bit of online shopping. Anything that makes you feel good, grounded and ready to take on the world is exactly what you need on the one day a year that your single status is commented upon more than usual. Take Valentine's Day as a day to be selfish in loving yourself and fuck everyone who has anything negative or bad to say about it.

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