Thursday 28 February 2019

What I Read: February

Happy Thursday! I said this in my monthly favourites but I'll say it again. How on earth is it the end of February already? It's almost like I've blinked and missed the entire month but I think it's more like I've had my head buried so deep in my books, the month has passed without me realising.

Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets- J.K. Rowling
The first book I read this month was Harry Potter and The Chamber Of Secrets. This year I'm planning on rereading the entire Harry Potter series and last month I made a good start with The Philosphers Stone. I found I enjoyed Chamber of Secrets more as there were more details in the book that the movie doesn't show and that I'd originally forgotten about. I read this in a day as I get so easily lost in the magical world and everytime I finish one I always have the overwhelming urge to start the next. Yet I have to restrain myself as I had other books that I wanted to read this month.

Rogue- Rachel Vincent
The next book I read was another sequel to one I'd read in January. Rogue is the follow up to Stray from Rachel Vincent. It continues right after Stray finished, exploring a couple of plot bunnies that it started towards the end of Stray. Following Faythe and her pride as they tracked down a killer who's hunting tom-cats, Rogue is a good second book but lacked the suspense that Stray had. I felt it ran slow in a lot of parts and the action, especially towards the end was rushed and tied up nicely without there being a full explanation or solution. I'm still going to carry on with the series and plan on reading Pride in March but I thought Rogue was a little bit of a dip in the road that hopefully Pride will pull it out of.

Gallery Of The Dead- Chris Carter 
Last year I read a book called The Caller. It was singlehandly one of my favourite books of the year so when I saw Chris Carter has released another book, I was eager to read it. Gallery Of The Dead is the ninth Robert Hunter novel and follows the Violent Crimes Unit. This particular book follows Hunter and his partner Garcia as they hunt for a serial killer that's leaving mysterious Latin messages engraved into his victims. I was so eager to get my teeth into this but finished it a little deflated. The Caller was a gruesome, physcological thriller that had me hooked and whilst Gallery Of The Dead had that exact same format, I felt it was a little long winded and parts were either drawn out or rushed which made binge reading this harder than I wanted it to be. Carter does have another book coming out this year and after reading the excert in the back of this book, I'm dying to read what will hopefully be another gripping tale.

Evermore- Alyson Noel 
My penultimate book this month was one I picked up on a whim, finished in a day and whilst I was a little disappointed in it, I'm also eager to read the next one. Evermore follows Ever, a physic who has been able to read the thoughts of her peers since a devastating car crash of which she is the sole survivor. Then enter Damen, a mysterious new student who Ever can't get a read on yet she's inexplicably drawn to. The premise of Evermore was promising but it read more like another version of Twilight. A young woman who spent the entire time following the mysterious hot guy round like a lost puppy, until the very end when she realises her own strength and becomes a kick ass warrior. With all that being said, I did in fact read it in a day and even though I couldn't say it was my favourite read of the month, it was one that I needed to know what happened next and that alone stopped me from putting it down for more than two minutes to pee.

The Thousandth Floor- Katharine McGee
And the last one book I read in February was one I finished the same day as I write this post (27th). The Thousandth Floor is one that's been on my TBR since the end of last year and this month I finally got round to reading it. Following six teens from different walks of life, The Thousandth Floor is a futuristic YA novel that reads a lot like Gossip Girl with many intertwining twists and turns that interlink each of our characters. This is the one book that took me the longest to read as there were days when I could only read a few pages before putting down again. However as the end drew near and the secrets and lies started to unravel and become common knowledges between the characters, I couldn't put it down. Especially the last few chapters that threw a massive curveball at me and left me desperate to read the second book in the series. 

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