Monday 7 September 2015

Review: Real Techinques Deep Cleansing Brush Gel

When I saw that Real Techniques were bringing out a brush cleaning gel I was intrigued and excited. Brush cleaning is something I hate doing so anything that made it quicker or easier would be fine with me. Well that's what I hoped this product would do. And unfortunately it just made washing my brushes twice as long. 

 These are what my brushes looked like before I washed them. I use these four everyday to do my make up so they're a lot grubbier than most of my other brushes. So off I went to the bathroom and filled my sink with water. I followed the instructions on the back, dampening the bristles on my brush and adding a dollop of gel to them and then began swirling it on my hand. It started off doing a good job of cleaning them and I was disgusted to see how much excess make up came off my brush. However once I risned away the initial suds it didn't soap up as much afterwards and I was just swirling a wet brush over my hands. 

I wasn't going to give up on it though, so I added a second dollop of gel to my brush and repeated the process all over again.  This time around it came off much cleaner and there was a slight residue that soaped up a second time after I rinsed my brush off. However I found that this was required for my other brushes as well so I gave up on the gel and went to get my trusted baby shampoo. It did a quicker job on the rest of the brushes and I didn't need to use as much. 

 And this is what my brushes looked like afterwards. My stippling brush at the top is the only brush that was cleaned only by the Cleansing Gel. As you can see there is still a lot of residue on the brush even after two lots of shampooing. However as you can see with my other brushes that were washed in baby shampoo, they have come up a lot cleaner and it didn't take as long to get rid of any build up within the brush itself. 

Overall I'm a more than a little disappointed with this product. It didn't do what I would consider a deep clean on my brushes, I would call it more of a spot clean and it got rid of the top layer of make up and that's it. If you're looking for a quick spot cleaner for your brushes then I would recommend trying this product but if you want a really deep clean then I suggest you look for another product or stick with what you're already using. 

Available at Superdrug and Boots

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