Thursday 5 July 2018

What's In My Bag

I'm a bit of a nosey parker and I love seeing what people are carrying around in their handbags. I'm always amazed at how much a woman can fit into her handbag no matter how big or small it is. So today I thought I'd share with you the things I've been carrying around lately in my absolute favourite backpack of all time.

This backpack is from Primark, gives me tons of Gucci vibes and only cost a tenner. It's a relatively small backpack but what I'm carry around when I'm out and about, it's perfect. I do use a bigger backpack for work but that's only so I can carry around enough water to get me through the day. And on a quick side note I am missing several things such as my lip product of the day, it's coordinating lip liner and compact mirror but the UK is currently enduring a horrendous heatwave and there is no way you'll catch me wearing much if any make up at the moment.

 The most important thing I carry around in my backpack, or any bag in fact is my purse. And it takes up most of the space in my bag. It comes from Acessorize a few years ago and I'll ask you to excuse the scuffs and tinges of red marker from work. It holds everything I want and more, meaning receipts and store cards. I usually prefer a zip around purse but the oversized flap on this that covers everything has never failed me and I've never lost anything unintentionally. I am though on the lookout for another purse, a mustard coloured one to be precise but I think I'm going to have to wait until Autumn until I'll be able to find anything like that.

The second most important thing I am carrying around in my bag, especially at the moment is a pack of pocket tissues. I suffer from hayfever and it always seems to be at it's worst when I don't have a pocket pack of tissues on me. So I've started carrying them around with me so that when I do have a random attack of sneezes, I'm prepared. These are just some Superdrug own brand tissues that I picked up whilst shopping and whilst they're nothing special, they do the job.

Another crucial thing I carry around in my bag at all times is a pack of paracetamol. I used to and still occasionally do suffer from migraines so having some painkillers on me at all times is essential. I find that these Panadol Actifast are the only painkillers that actually work as quickly as they state to. I had a headache last week due to the heat, I took two of them, downed half a can of coca cola and within half an hour it was gone and I was back to my normal, albeit sweaty self.

And the last thing I always have in my bag if not on my face is a pair of sunglasses. It's Summer and as I said the UK is going through a heatwave so having something to protect my eyes when I'm out and about is a must. Sure these probably don't have the best protection but they work well for me and I find myself squinting a lot less when I've got them on. This particular pair is from Primark and are giving me designer vibes but I can not for the life of me remember which particular designer it was. I also meant to feature my keys in this post but forgot that I'd taken them out until I imported the pictures and it's way to late at night as I write this to get a decent picture of all the key rings I have keeping my measly three keys company.

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