Monday 3 September 2018

Five Things I’m Looking Forward To In Autumn/Winter

It’s September and for me that means one thing. Autumn and the season that sets my soul alight is quickly approaching. I’m not going to lie there are going to be quite a few Autumn related posts this month but there’s just something about the colder months that just bring out the productive side of me. However back to today’s agenda, today I’ll be sharing with you five things I’m looking forward to in the upcoming months. And I’ve challenged myself to not include Christmas or Halloween in those five things but they are two of my biggest favourites for the Autumn/Winter months, 

1- My Birthday 
Not every year do I look forward to turning a year older but this year I’m actually looking forward to turning 26 (that’s scary). I’ve got two days with my favourite people doing things that may not seem huge or exciting to some but to me is exactly the kind of way I like to celebrate my birthday as I’ve gotten older. One day I’ll be spending with Jasmin and the other I’ll be spending with my mum. Mine and Jasmin’s plans aren't finalised yet but me and mum have a day of shopping, lunch and a cinema trip planned, my favourite relaxing way to spend a day. 

2- Whitney Houston Show 
The next thing I’m looking forward to and actually have a countdown for is happening a week after my birthday. Growing up my mum listened to a lot of Whitney Houston, something that rubbed off on me and now I love a good sing along to her myself. So when we saw that there was a show coming to our local theatre remembering her and her music, including a world famous tribute artist, we just had to book tickets. I literally can not wait for this show, I’ve already started planning out an outfit in my head and what make up/lip colour I’ll be wearing. I do somewhat feel sorry for the person sitting next to me though as I intend on singing a lot, whether I’m in key or not. 

3- Pumpkin Spice Lattes 
‘‘Tis the season of Pumpkin Spice. Yes I am that basic bitch who loves a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte in the Autumn but I’m not sorry and if you’ve ever tasted one, you’ll completely understand why. I never completely understood the hype until a couple of years ago but I now I do and I’m constantly checking to see when they’ll be gracing my local Starbucks. As I write this the US, Mexico and Canada can already get their hands on a PSL but we here in the UK seem to still have a wait on our hands. 

4- Autumnal Dressing
Sweater/Jumper season is rapidly approaching and I for one could not be happier. Dressing during Autumn/Winter is so much easier than dressing throughout the warmer months. Raining? Jumper! Windy? Jumper! Snowing? Jumper! There is not a single weather that a jumper can’t work with from September to February. The same can be said for a good pair of boots, unless they’re suede then I don’t advise wearing them in the rain or the snow. A flashy jumper or a statement boot can easily dress up a pair of simple jeans for a night out or make you stand out during the cold grey days (my favourite kind). And the best bit! For women who are self conscious of their bodies (like me), they don’t have to spend the next six months staring at minuscule crop tops or t-shirts that weren’t cut properly for women who have both boobs and a bit of a tummy. Jumpers make it socially acceptable to look like the Michelin man and that’s one fashion trend I can truly jump on board. I may have already brought several and plan on buying more due to Primark's amazing range of knitwear that's slowly starting to filter it's way into stores.

5- Seasonal Decorating
Now this last one is slightly cheating but it's something I do thoroughly enjoy about Autumn/Winter. Decorating the house for Halloween and Christmas are some of my favourite times during the colder months. To me there's nothing more relaxing than throwing on some pjs, making a hot chocolate and popping in a seasonal film to play in the background as I decorate my room and house to the point of taking it too far. I've already planned out how I want the house to look for Halloween and have brought several items to get it on it's way. And for Christmas I've already brought a new light that I think is going to look amazing when it's paired with everything else I have and all the new bits I do plan on buying because yes I have no self control when it comes to buying decorations for two of my favourite holidays.

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