Wednesday 29 August 2018

What I Read: August

August is coming to an end and alongside that it's time to share what books I've finished or in this case not finished. This month has been a busy month work wise so reading sort of was the last thing I was thinking of but also the two books I did start, I found extremely difficult to really get into. One I've managed to read more of than the other but I'm thinking I could have chosen other books that would have really hooked me in and given me more to work with for this post.

Th1rt3en- Steve Cavanagh
The first book I started this month was one that caught my attention immediately in the shop but in fact is extremely difficult to get into. Or so I found. I don't think I could even describe the plot to you as it switches between perspectives every chapter with no connection between each chapter. I don't know if perservering with it would make it make more sense but I spent a good part of the month trying to get into this and it just wasn't happening. Maybe one to put back into my TBR pile and come back to at a later date. It's such a shame though as the bylines under the title really gripped and made me finish my previous book quicker so I could start this one.

Red Queen- Victoria Aveyard 
The second book I started this month I've managed to get through a little more but am still finding this hard to devour like I would other books. This is set in a dsytopian future with the population seperated into the Reds and Silvers with Silvers harnassing great powers that make them the elite of the population. It centres around a Red girl who whilst in service of the Silver King, discovers she may not be as much of a Red as she thinks. And that's kind of where I've gotten to in the book. There's a lot of different elements to this novel and whilst I'm enjoying it, I'm finding it hard to keep up with everything, something I think has be exacerbated by the long breaks I've taken between reading snippets of this. I think for now I'll again put this back in my TBR pile and go back and start it from the beginning when everything is less hectic and I can really focus on it. I also have the two sequels that follow onto this and really want to read them but I think this is a novel I have to really concentrate on and this month I've had the attention span of a goldfish. 

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