Wednesday 1 August 2018

August Goals

Last month I wrote a post outlining my goals for July and I let myself down. Now I'm not saying this for sympathy but I did and I have no one else to blame but myself. So today I'm back with my August Goals and this time I plan on sticking to them. And if I don't, then feel free to give me a good kick up the ass.

So last month I said I was going to focus on posting more both on here and on Instagram. But that went right out the window and I only posted nine out of the thirteen I had planned. Now I know it doesn't sound that terrible and I should be happy with nine but I'm not. I'm better than that and I never used to be so lazy when it came to the blogging but lately I've just become so lazy and have enjoyed procastinating more than anything. However when I had some time off work recently I sat and planned out all my posts for August, September and October. Now I know that may sound like unprecedented pressure on me but these are ideas that have been floating in my head for ages and their persistence has given me the drive to get back into blogging and working harder at create good content instead of sitting and watching a ton of SWAT episodes again. So keep your eyes peeled every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for new posts from now, filled wit what I hope is amazing content.

Again another goal I'm carrying over from last month is to read more. I started the year off so well but lately I've let it slip and again it's for no other reason than I've gotten slightly lazy. However I have a pile of what looks to be amazing books to read (I brought new ones when I didn't need more books) and I can't wait to share my thoughts on them at the end of the month with you.

And my penultimate goal for the month is to stop worrying as much. Whether it be about work, money, the blog or my appearence, I'm going to try my best to stop worrying about it. Over the last month I've had quite a few nights where sleep has been disrupted or hard to find because I've been overthinking everything. I've got another week off work soon, packed full of amazing plans so I'm going to stop worrying about the stupid things and start focusing on the good things such as time spent with family and friends.

The final goal I've decided to set myself for August is to continue the mindset of not comparing myself to others. I spent so much time thinking I had to be a certain way or have a certain look about me that I lost sight of what makes me, me. Blogging is a good example of that. I always thought I had to have the newest products as soon as they came so I could feature them on the blog and remain relevant. However that's just not possible considering the sheer amount of products that can come out every month. So with blogging I've decided to focus more on posting what makes me happy and worrying less about not having the lastest hyped up product. And the same goes for me as a person, I'm going to stop focusing on the fact that I haven't been away on holiday this year or that I may not be everyone's cuppa tea asthetically and focus on what I love about myself and cherishing the little things that make me uniquely me.

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