Wednesday 31 January 2018

What I Read: January

One of my goals for 2018 was to read more. As a child, I loved reading and could always be found with my head in a book but as I've gotten older, it just sort of fizzled out. But not anymore, 2018 is going to be the year where I take a step back from technology for a period of time each day and immerse myself in a book. And that sparked the idea for a new series. Now every month, instead of including the books I've read throughout that month, I'll be doing a separate post where I talk you through the books I've read, it means I can go a bit more indepth with what I want to say instead of rushing it as an after thought in a favourites post. I'm aiming for five books a month but going from this month, it'll probably more along the lines of three to four.

The Miniaturist- Jessie Burton
The first book I read this year is one that's been sat in my collection for a while. And it was only because they did a TV adaptation on BBC One at Christmas was I inspired to reach for it. The Miniaturist is set in 1686 Amsterdam and tells the story of Nella, an eighteen year old girl who's adjusting to life as a merchants wife. And whilst the story is slow to start, Nella's husbands gift of a miniature house that resembles her new home sets the story on a different pace. I loved reading this, I finished it within a week which for the first book of a long time, I was surprised. But once you got past the beginning which was a little slow as to set the scene for the rest of the book, I was hooked. Each new chapter was a different twist and turn and I found myself staying up later so I could keep reading. If you haven't read this, I highly recommend you do. I'd happily reread it as it's just so enthralling and well paced.

Divergent- Veronica Roth
The second book I read this month is one I'd read previously. Divergent is the first of a trilogy from YA author Veronica Roth. And it's only because I'd brought Allegiant the final book did I reach for Divergent again. It had been a while since I'd read both Divergent and Insurgent the second book that I thought I'd reread them so that I had an idea of what was going on when I started Allegiant. I do like this book and devoured it in record time. It was fast paced, each chapter had a new turn and the end if you haven't seen the film adaptation would be/was a shock. I have however seen the film and due to that, I found myself comparing the characters as they were written in the book to how they were portrayed in the film. It was hard to stop myself doing but it also helped as it helped me imagine how they looked in the book without having to try and create something in my head. I'm currently reading Insurgent and hope to have finished both that and Allegiant in time for February's What I Read.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Movie Tie In- Mark Millar
Now I know that this won't be up everyone's street but if you're a bit of a movie nerd like me then I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Kingsman is one of my favourite film franchises and The Golden Circle was one of my favourite films of last year. So when I saw this in my local bookshop, I knew I had to read it. I was intrigued to see the differences between this and the actual film. And there were quite a few. Some were a bit boring and laboured but because it was in print and not on film, it also felt like they were necessary to give the plot a bit of backstory. In hindsight, I'm probably not going to read this again anytime soon but I wouldn't say it's a bad book. I got through it in several days but it's only a thin book with roughly 300 pages.

So that's it for my first What I Read of 2018. I'm really hoping you enjoyed this and want to see more, as I've quite enjoyed going through my collection and correlating a handful of books to read and then share with you all.

Monday 29 January 2018

Monthly Favourites: January

Welcome to my first monthly favourites of 2018. January has been a bit of a month. There has been some ups and some downs but that's all behind me now and I'm looking back on the month with fond memories as I've both discovered a host of new products and fallen in love with some old almost forgotten products.

My first favourite of the month is one I had a good feeling about since I saw it promoted on Instagram. Maybelline's latest mascara release Total Temptation has blown me away. I never thought that Maybelline could beat the success of their Lash Sensational mascara but they have. The Total Temptation Mascara is amazing. It's soft bristle brush coats every lash and pushes them up to create a volumised, defined look that stays in place all day and doesn't droop or clump as the day goes on. I've literally worn this mascara everyday since I brought it and I can't see myself reaching for another mascara anytime soon. And the amount of compliments I've recieved since I started wearing this mascara has been amazing. My lashes have never looked this good and it's all down to this mascara. If you haven't tried it, I highly suggest you do.

My next favourite is another new release from Maybelline.Well in fact it's part of the shade extention Maybelline did on their SuperStay Matte Inks. This month they have released a dozen new neutral/nude shades of their SuperStay Matte Inks. And the shade Ruler has ruled my world. It's a stunning deep pink that isn't too raspberry toned or bubblgum pink either. It's perfect for my fair skintone and I think it'll look stunning on a host of skintones. What I've enjoyed the most about this product is that it lasts for hours on the lips and doesn't budge even if you eat or drink but it doesn't become uncomfortable. Whilst it dries down to a matte finish like the name suggess, there is still a slight tackiness to it that makes wearing for long hours bearable. And out of my entire lip collection, this has been the only shade I've wanted to/have been wearing this month. The only downside is that it's a bugger to remove at the end of the day.

And to coincide with my love of the Matte Ink, I've been loving the Kiko Intensly Lavish Lip Liner in 01. Sadly this shade is no longer available but it's the perfect pink to match Ruler. It's creamy, highly pigmented and just glides along the lip liner, something that is surprising considering it's a wooden pencil. I'm not going to talk about this a lot as you won't be able to get your hands on it but it's been the perfect companion to the Matte Ink. Now though, I'm going to have to find a similar shade to replace this when it's gone.

Onto skincare and I have a couple of new releases that I've been thoroughly enjoying this month. The first comes from Nip and Fab. Their Glycolic Extreme 6% Fix has been my go to toner this month. It's the highest % of Glycolic Acid I've ever applied to my skin and I was worried that it would irritate and strip my skin but it actually has worked wonders on my skin. It's done a wonderful job of retexturising and revitalising my skin without being too harsh. It leaves a tingle behind after every use and leaves my skin feeling soft, supple and smooth to the touch. It's also allowed my skincare and make up to apply evenly and easily over the top. It's pricier than other tones I've used but it's well worth every penny.

The next new release I've been loving this month comes in the form of the Loreal Smooth Sugars Scrubs. They are three new face scrubs packed with brown and white sugar granules as well as key ingredients such as Cocoa Butter, Grapeseed Oil and Kiwi Seeds. Each one is designed to target a particular skin issue and they work wonders. My favourite of the three is the Clear Scrub, infused with Kiwi Seeds to clear out impurities and purify skin. I've used it the most out of the three and I've loved how it leaves my skin feeling clear and smooth to the touch.

A product that's been sat in my collection for a while but I've never thoroughly enjoyed until recently is the Superdrug Simply Pure Hydrating Night Serum. I loved the original Hydrating Serum and didn't think that the Night Serum would be much different or provide different results but it really does. It's thicker in formula which is expected from a Night Serum/Night and whilst you think it's going to just sit on the skin and leave you looking a greasy mess, it actually sinks into skin quite quickly but the results last longer on the skin than expected. Most creams that sink in quickly make skin feel dry and papery after a short while but this leaves my skin feeling hydrated and soft all the way up to applying my Garnier Miracle Sleeping Cream right before I get into bed.

It's January and TV wise that only means one thing to me. It's time for Silent Witness to make it's return. Silent Witness is one of my all time favourite shows and it saddens me that it's only on for a small period of time every year. This year the episodes have been amazing, carrying on a storyline that started at the end of Series 20. There have been some moments that have really had me rooting for my favourite characters and I can't wait for the final two story arcs that are coming up. I'd like to say I've watched more TV this month but between this and Criminal Minds, I've not watched much else.

This month has been surprisingly good for music. The first album I've fallen in love with this month was an unexpected favourite. Camila the self titled debut album by Camila Cabello wasn't something that initally caught my eye when it was released. Sure her loved her singles Crying In The Club and Havana but I wasn't sure I'd love her entire album. Oh how wrong I was. There has been very few times this month that I've listened to something that isn't her album. It's something I really didn't expect and I didn't expect to love it as much as I do. Real Friends, All These Years, Never Be The Same and Consequences are some of my favourites. The whole album has a vibe that'll get you pumped up and certain songs dancing but it's also got that vibe that makes it easy listening, something that could accompany even the most mudane of tasks and make them bearable. I can't get enough of this album and can see myself listening to this a ton in February as well.

And my last favourite of the month is something I've been waiting the best part of a year for. Johnny Strong is one of my all time favourite musicians. He has an amazing talent and creates some of the best music I've ever heard. He announced last year that he would be releasing a new album called Whitelight but kept fans waiting and waiting until last Wednesday when he finally released it. And I know this may be a bit of a cheat favourite but it's amazing. Eleven well crafted songs with amazing lyrics and beats, Whitelight is even better than his previous album War Horse, and trust me that's saying a lot. Tightrope, Time To Roll and Whitelight are my three favourites of the moment but I'm sure that's going to change as I listen to it more. My favourite thing about this album though is that it's slightly different to the others he's released and it's a nice change but there is still that brand of Johnny Strong running through it that makes it uniquely him.

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Recipe: Galaxy Chocolate Chip Cookies

I've been bitten by the baking bug. Usually I spend a couple of months releasing my inner Mary Berry and then it goes away but we're nearing six months of wanting to constantly bake and it's not going away. So I've decided this year that I'm going to post more recipes that I've baked whether they be seasonal specials or recipes I just absolutely adore.

Today's recipe was my first try at making cookies from scratch and whilst they didn't come out as I planned but they're still delicious. Please excuse the dodgy photo, I didn't realise that I hadn't taken a picture of them until most of them had been eaten. So I quickly took one before the container was compeltely empty.

- 150g Salted Butter, softened
- 80g Light Brown Muscovado Sugar
- 80g Granulated Sugar
- 2 Tsp Vanilla Extract
- 1 Large Egg
- 225g Plain Flor
- 1/2 Tsp Bicarbonate Of Soda
- 1/4 Tsp Salt
- 200g Galaxy Chocolate, broken into chunks

1- Pre heat the oven to 170c. I always do mine a little higher to warm it up then turn it down when I put them in as I find it gives them a more even bake. Plus my oven takes forever to warm up so I like to guarantee that it's somewhat hot when I place them in their.
2- Line a baking tray/sheet with baking parchment. I prepped three trays as I wasn't quite sure how many cookies this was going to make.
3- Place the butter, granulated and muscovado sugar into a bowl together and beat until creamy. You could do this by hand but I used my stand mixer and the paddle attachment.
4- Add the vanilla extract and egg and beat again.
5- Then into the mix sieve the salt, bicarbonate of soda and plain flour into the bowl. If you're using a stand mixer, I'd adviser taking the bowl off the base as I had a very floury inccident when I tried to keep it attached to the base.
6- Break up the Galaxy and add to the mix. I left the chunks quite big as I didn't fancy crushing it up and I like how it looks in the finished product. I took my bowl off the base once more when it came to adding the chocolate as I mixed it in with a wooden spoon so that all the chocolate was combined and not left on the paddle of my mixer.
7- Once everything was combined I used my hands to create small balls of cookie dough and placed them evenly spaced on my baking tray. I managed to get five on each tray but if you went with smaller amounts of dough, you'd probably get more on a tray.
8- Bake in the oven for 8-12mins or until the edges are golden brown and the centres still a little wobbly.
9- Once cooked, leave them to rest on the tray for a couple of minutes. This allows the centre to set and firm up, making them less likely to stick to the baking parchment you used to line the tray.
10- After a couple of minutes is up, transfer them to cool completely on a wire rack. Then once their cooled or whilst their still warm, enjoy.

Monday 22 January 2018

Top 3: High End Cleansers

When it comes to cleansers I don't have a preference, I'll happily use both high end and budget friendly. If they work with my skin, don't break me out and cleanse my skin well, I'm not really bothered about the price. Back in September I talked you through my Top 3 Budget Cleansers but lately I've found myself reaching for more high end cleansers. So today I thought I'd talk you through my Top 3 High End Cleansers.

Now this first one you could all probably guess was going to be featured. The Emma Hardie Moringa Cleansing Balm is one of my favourite cleansing balms of all time. It's thick, nourishing and works wonders on my skin everytime I use this. I'm not going to babble too much about this but this balm is perfect for both make up removal and second cleansing. I much prefer this as a second cleanse as it means the ingredients get to work deeper into the skin and it gives skin a better dose of hydration and nourishment than if I use it as a initial cleanse. After every use I find my skin feels clean, nourished, hydrated and soft to the touch. Sure it's pricey at £39 a pot but when the results are as amazing as they are every use then it's well worth it.

High end cleansing balms really seem to float my boat as my second most reached for high end cleanser is the iconic Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm. This is a balm to oil cleanser that breaks down even the most long wearing make up, including waterproof mascara. And even though it's an oily formula, this is lightweight and gentle on the skin. Never has my skin felt stripped or irritated after I've used this and a little goes a long way. This is my go to cleanser when I'm wearing a full coverage foundation or a particularly hard to remove mascara. I've been using this for nearly a year now and I haven't even come near to touching the bottom yet. You definitely get a good amount of product for the price.

And the last high end cleanser that I use religiously comes from Pixi. Their Glow Mud Cleanser has changed how my skin both looks and feels with each use. With 5% Glycolic Acid, this cleanser not only eradicates make up but it also gives skin an gentle exfoliation and deep cleanse so it appears clearer and brighter after each use. It's thick in formula but doesn't weigh skin down or clog pores when you use it. I've been using it since about March last year and I still have a fair amount of product left in the tube even though I've used it countless times to both remove make up and cleanse skin.

If you asked me to choose between the three of these I don't think I could. I love them all equally and they all work wonderfully with my skin but I think if you insisted I choose, it would probably be the Pixi Glow Mud Cleanser. It's a dual focus product that removes make up but also exfoliates skin in an easy and efficient manner. It's the most budget friendly of the three but that doesn't make it my favourite. I don't mind paying out for any of these cleansers as I love how they make my skin feel, so a few extra pound isn't an issue.

Friday 19 January 2018

5 Products I Always Have A Back Up Of

As a blogger I try a lot of products which means I have a lot of products in my collection but there are only a few that I have duplicates of because I never want to run out of them. Some of you may call them my Holy Grail Products but for me these are just that good that I can't go without them.

If there is one mask I always have a back up or three of, it's the Garnier Moisture Bomb Tissue Mask. It doesn't matter what variation it is, I have to have a steady supply of them. These are my go to sheet mask when my skin needs some TLC. Not only are they inexpensive but they fit my face perfectly and allow me to still work or move about whilst I wear it. And the results never fail to amaze me. My skin can look irritate as hell, in need of hydration as well as some soothing and these masks do all the and more. After fifteen to twenty minutes of wearing these masks, my skin looks less sore/red, hydrated and looks soothed and smooth to the touch. If you haven't already tried these, I suggest you pick one up the next time in Boots or Superdrug. You won't regret it.

If there is one make up staple I have to have back ups of back ups of, it's the Maybelline The Eraser Eye Concealer. It's the only concealer that successfully tackles my dark circles as well as blending out beautifully on any blemishes or uneven areas that need covering. Now I know it's an under eye concealer but I find it doesn't oxidise on my skin which makes it perfect for placing around the face as well. I go through this and the Lasting Perfection Concealer from Collection more than any other make up item I use on the daily.

If there is one cleanser I have to have a back up of, it's Emma Hardie's Moringa Cleansing Balm. Not only do I have a back up because I adore it but because it's a slightly pricier product I like to pick up a back up when I've got some extra cash that I can spend on it. This cleansing balm works wonders both as a make up remover or a second cleanse skin nourisher. I use this as my second cleanse and everytime I marvel at how nourished, softened and restored my skin feels. If I don't have a full size, I always make sure I have two or even three travel sized pots in my stash so that I can give my skin that bit of TLC it occasionally needs, especially after a day of being covered in make up.

Now this cream may not be of interest to you but I swear by the Garnier Miracle Sleeping Cream. It does exactly as it says on the tin. It's a miracle cream that works as you sleep. This makes my skin look like it's had a good solid eight hours of sleep when I usually am lucky if I get four to six hours. It contains Hyaluronic Acid, Jojoba Oil and Lavender Essential Oil that all work to hydrate, soothe and remove signs of fatigue, all whilst your sleeping soundly. I used to only use this nights before I had a big event or a day I wanted look nice for but now I can't go a night without using it as I can guarantee that whilst the rest of me looks like Shrek in the morning, my skin will be clear and awake looking.

I can't believe I almost forgot to include this product as I have back ups of back ups of it in my lip liner collection. Now a lot of people don't believe me when I say that Primark do amazing lip liners but they do. Their lip liner in 03 Red is the perfect red. It is creamy, highly pigmented and matches a multitude of red lip products I have in my collection. I reach for this everytime I do a red lip and I fall in love with it again each time. And for a £1 a pop, I don't mind buying back up upon back up so I never run out.

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Product Empties: January

Welcome to my first empties of the year. And unsurprisingly there is a ton of empties, a lot of them you've seen before and a few you've not seen before.

Let's start with cleansers. There are only a couple of in this empties as I have tons on the go at once. The first is the The Body Shop Camomile Cleansing Balm. This is a very gentle cleansing balm that melts make up off easily and doesn't irritate skin. It too me a while to finish this so I'd probably repurchase it for longevity but based off the product alone, I think I've got other balms that work just as well.

The other cleanser I have finished is the Emma Hardie Moringa Cleansing Balm. Since my last empties I've gone through two of travel sized pots and am working my way through my first of three 50ml tubs. I love this cleanser so much. It's thick, nourishing and works so well with my skin. I occasionally use this to take my make up off and it melts it off effortlessly but most of the time I use it on my bare skin. It's so nourishing and hydrating, especially after a long day of wearing make up. A little goes a long way so these pots lasted me a pretty long time and I'd happily repurchase any size tub when I no longer have any.

I went through another bottle of my holy grail Clean And Clear Deep Cleansing Lotion. I use this every morning to cleanse my skin and give it a refresh. I've gone through countless bottles of this in the last twelve years and whilst I've been told to stop using it, I haven't because I'm such a huge fan of it. I'm already half way through another bottle and have a back up in place as well.

I went through another bottle of the Simple Dual Effect Eye Make Up Remover. This is one of my favourite eye make up removers, it's bio phase formula the only thing that truly removes all of my mascara at the end of the day. I'm currently using the Nivea Duel Effect Eye Make Up Remover and it's not living up to the standard of this one. I think I'm going to have to stock up so I never run out of it.

I went through another travel sized bottle of Pixi Glow Tonic. I find that these smaller bottles last forever which is why until recently I'd never paid out for a full sized bottle. With 5% Glycolic Acid, Aloe Vera and Ginseng, this is my go to toner after make up removal as it exfoliates, rejuvenates and soothes all at the same time. I'm sure you'll be seeing more varying sized bottles of the Glow Tonic in future empties.

Whilst we're on the subject of Glycolic Acid, I finished another tub of the Nip And Fab Glycolic 5% Fix Night Pads. These give an effective yet somewhat gentle exfoliation and helps retexturise skin. I've gone through countless tubs of these and will probably go through countless tubs more. They're great for an every day exfoliation as they don't strip, irritate or sting the skin.

Another bottle of the Liz Earle Instant Boost Skin Tonic Sprizter has bitten the dust. This is my morning facial spritz that soothes, awakens and hydrates skin ready for the ahead. It's lightweight and great for layering under and over make up. I love this and need to buy another as my current bottle is well over halfway used.

I had to give up with this next product. Not because it's terrible but because I just couldn't get the last dregs out. The Botanics All Bright Serum Concentrate is one of several serums I like to apply after I've removed my make up. It has naturally occurring AHA's that lightly exfoliate the skin which reveals skin's natural glow. It's lasted me ages but I had to give up before I finished it completely because it's badly designed packaging. The dropper applicator doesn't reach the bottom of the bottle and once you hit the very last of the serum, not even tilting the bottle gets it out. I have another already in use and will repurchase it again when I've run out even though it's a case of when bad packaging happens to good products.

 Another product I never completely finish is the Loreal Hydra Genius. This is my go to serum, it's just literally Aloe Water and Hyaluronic Acid, two ingredients that agree amazingly with my skin. Yet again that tube from the pump doesn't reach the bottom and the last of the product and no amount of tilting or shaking the bottle helps. Sure it's a waste but it's only minor when the product works this well. Definitely going to repurchase this when necessary, it's completely changed my skin.

I finished a pot of my go to day moisturiser from Garnier. The Moisture Bomb Glow Enhancer Moisturiser is lightweight, hydrating and easy to layer under make up. I layer this over the Loreal Hydra Genius to give my skin a massive, long lasting boost of hydration. And because it's a gel like formula it doesn't affect any make up I apply over top. I've already got another pot on the go and will definitely be buying a back up before that one runs out.

I finished yet another pot of my favourite Garnier Miracle Sleeping Cream.There is just something about this night cream that I can't get enough of. It makes me look fresh, revitalised, hydrated and like I've eight hours sleep when I've most likely only had about four. I have gone through quite a few tubs of this in the last couple of years and will continue to do so but right now I'm also trying out two very similar formula products. I'm sure if I like them, they'll be appearing in either a empties or a favourites post in the future.

Now a few of you may be wondering why I have an empty SPF bottle in my January empties but I make sure to wear SPF 30 everyday to protect my skin. The Hawaiian Tropic SPF30 is the only one that hasn't broken me out and actually works with my skin instead of against it. I've got another bottle of this open already and I'll be repurchasing many bottles of this through the year to keep my skin protected no matter the season.

I actually finished an eye cream. That is unheard of for me. I never manage to finish eye creams as they usually stop working for me before I can or I've moved onto the next one that's caught my eye. The Olay Total Effects Eye Cream has not let me down since I started reusing it in September. It moisturises, depuffs, firms and reduces the appearance of dark circles without weighing the gentle skin under the eye down. I've just opened a new one and whilst I'd like to say you'll see it in a future empties, I'm not sure if it'll be this year as a little goes a long way which makes the small pot last a long time.

 It wouldn't be an empties post if I didn't have at least one of the Maybelline SuperStay Primers featured. This time I've gone through two since my last empties in October. It seems like a lot but I do wear it everytime I wear make up so it does make sense since that's six days out of seven a week. I love how this sink into my skin but leaves a tackiness to my skin that just adheres to whatever base product I apply over top. And it's lightweight so it doesn't clog my pores and cause any irritation or breakouts. It's not going to be the last time this will be featured in an empties this year.

 Surprisingly there is only one Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer in my empties bin. Usually there are two sometimes even three but for some reason I haven't gone through them as much as I thought I would. This is a great concealer for covering redness, blemishes and dark circles without looking cakey or heavy on the skin. I'm already nearly done with another tube and have a back up in my collection as well.

Something I did go through two of and found a little surprising was pressed powder. Normally it takes me months to go through a single pan of pressed powder and that's wearing it everytime I wear make up. However between my last empties and today's post, I've gone through two of the MUA Transparent Pressed Setting Powder and nearly finished a third. I love this powder, it doesn't cake skin, settle into any creases or fine lines and sets make up in place all day long. I'm not sure if it's because it's so finely milled that I've gone through two but I have and I'm a little shocked that this was a product I had duplicate empties for.

I finished a bottle of my Barry M Hydro Fix Primer Water. This combined with the Maybelline SuperStay Primer is a winning combination and I've found I can't use another product in place of this or the Maybelline as the remaining product doesn't work as well. I always make sure to have a back up of this in my collection and right now is no exception.

A setting spray that I finished comes from Collection. Their Primed And Ready Fixing Spray is a fine mist that generously sprays the face with it's lightweight formula, setting make up in place with a semi matte finish. It's perfect for everyday use if you've got a little too much glow going on but it's also a brilliant product for holding everything in place when you've got a big event or night out. I've already got one on the go and a back up in my collection.

As always I've gone through a couple of packets of face wipes. I don't use these to take my make up off, I use them to mainly take off any swatches I've done or my lipstick at the end of the day. I usually go for ones aimed at sensitive skin like the Johnsons but I find that the Garnier Oil Infused Micellar Wipes are brilliant at removing liquid lipsticks. Both did what I wanted them to, both didn't cause any irritation like some wipes can and both will probably be repurchased at some point in the future.

I went through a few packs of under eye patches in the last three months. The Rodial, Superdrug and Soap and Glory were all one use packets but the Skin Republic had three pairs in them. Out of all of them the Rodial Dragon's Blood Eye Masks are probably my favourite. They sit on the skin like a second skin and the results when you take them off, last a good few days where the others only last a few hours. I've already repurchased them all except the Superdrug Own Brand ones. It's not because they're bad, I just haven't been able to find them in stores.

Sheet masks are the kind of mask I go through a lot of. And every empties I have a ton to show you. So let's start with three new ones I tried. The first was the Origins Flower Fusion Rose Sheet Mask. It was nice, left my skin feeling hydrated and soothed but didn't do much more to wow me. And at £5 a pop I don't think I'll be repurchasing it. The same can be said for the Nip and Fab Dragon's Blood Sheet Mask. Pricey as hell and it didn't do a lot for my skin, probably because it kept peeling off when I was wearing it. The one I would repurchase is the Nip and Fab Glycolic Extreme Fix Bubble Sheet Mask. It worked wonders on my skin, was hilarious to wear and didn't fall off my face when I moved. It's still a bit pricey but in my opinion worth every penny.
I used and reviewed the Simple Sheet Mask Range. Two were complete duds whilst one was amazing. If you ask me, Simple still has a way to go with their sheet masks as in the quality of the mask itself as well as how much product they add to it. I like my sheet masks well saturated but I don't like them dripping over my carpet. Not sure if I'd repurchase these.

 I used up a couple of the Soap and Glory Sheet Masks. These two are in fact my favourites of the range. The Miracle Moisture Mask whilst dubious in appearance works wonders on hydrating and soothing skin whilst the Pore Refining Mask is perfect for hormonal skin in need of some TLC. It's Witch Hazel based formula is perfecting for combating any excess oil as well as tightening pores and purifying skin. Two masks that I will definitely be repurchasing.

And of course it wouldn't be a empties without a Garnier Moisture Bomb or four. I love these masks, they fit my face perfectly, work well with my skin and show long lasting results with for their £2.99 price tag is pretty astounding. I make sure I always have two or three of each mask in my collection so that when I'm having a shit day I can pop one one and forget about all my worries for fifteen to twenty minutes.