Monday 23 November 2015

What I Got For My Birthday

So last week was my 23rd birthday and thanks to my lovely friends and family, I was thoroughly spoilt. So I thought I'd share what I got for my birthday with you. Maybe it'll give you some ideas for any upcoming birthdays you have. But before I start telling you about my presents I just want to say that this is not me bragging in any way about what I got. This is me just wanting to show everyone what my family got me as this year I was lucky to recieve some products I've been dying to try and one very sentimental gift.

 Let's start with confectionary. My friend Lee-Ann got me this really cute Lindt Bear. I haven't eaten it yet as it's just too darn cute to eat. My mum also got me a pack of Ferrero Roche which are my favourite chocolates of all time and I've been saving them for a rainy day.

Next from my friend Lee-Ann I got not one but three Butterbear's from Lush. I absolutely love Butterbear/Butterball so she made sure I was stocked up for a while. They smell absolutely delicious and all I can smell when I open up my skincare drawer.

And finally also from Lee-Ann I got this beautiful lipstick I've been lusting over for ages. It's the Too Faced Melted Longwear Lipstick in Melted Berry. I'm in love with this lipstick and can't wait to wear it over and over again.

Out of all my birthday cards, this has to be my favourite. This is from my best friend Jasmin and I'm not sure who's who on the front but we're definitely partners in crime for life.

My first present from Jasmin was another one I'd been lusting over for a while now. It's the Urban Decay Matte Revolution Lipstick in Bad Blood. I'd had my eye on this for ages as it just screamed me. Matte, Red and named after one of my favourite Taylor Swift songs, it's me to a T. Can't wait to break this out.

My next present from Jasmin was a notebook which I don't want to write in because it's just so gorgeous. It's a simple notebook with Okay let's blog some shit written on it. It's brilliant as it describes how I approach blogging to a t and plus Jasmin knows how organised I like to be for the blog.

And my last present from Jasmin is actually my favourite present of all. I haven't mentioned it on the blog before but this August just gone my beautiful cat Percy had to be put down after falling ill. He was fifteen years old and had a good life but it was still heartbreaking to say goodbye. My mum and me were planning on getting a picture done of him to put in the living room but Jasmin beat us to it. It's beautiful and she actually made me cry when I opened it as it meant so much to me. It means that I can see my beautiful boy everyday and we've decided I'm going to put it in the living room so everyone can see him.

From my mum I got the second season of my favourite show ever, Chicago PD. Packed with action, drama and emotion, this is a show I could watch all day everyday. Plus it has one of my ultimate girl crushes in it so it was the perfect present from my mum.

From my nan and my stepdad I got money and New Look so I could go and pick something out for myself. With the money from my nan I think I'm going to pick up another Rosie For Autograph Bra and my New Look Vouchers are going to go towards a new purse. 

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