Tuesday 29 August 2017

Why I Can't Wait To Say Goodbye To Summer

I like many other people am counting down the days until it's Autumn. Autumn/Winter is my favourite time of the year, I feel like it's when I'm at my best and that's more than okay with me. But that also means saying goodbye to Summer, something a lot of people don't want to do just yet. However I can not wait to see the back of Summer and today I thought I'd talk you through some of the reasons I can't wait to say goodbye Summer and Hello Autumn.

The Weather: The main reason I can't wait to say goodbye to Summer is also saying goodbye to the rollercoaster weather we're having at the moment. We started Summer with a blistering heatwave that made every move had work. I couldn't sleep, eat or even move without breaking out into an unladylike sweat that made me grumpy, snappy and just unpleasent to be around. Then it seemed to be cooling down and everything wasn't such a burden anymore before it skyrocketed back up this weekend and left us with a layer of humid air which is worse than the aforementioned blistering temperatures. I'm not sure if it's because I'm a Winter baby or if I just don't get on with heat that I find the colder weather Autumn brings is the weather that makes me thrive and my productivity skyrockets.

Summer Clothes: I'm not the most body confident person so having to wear as little as humanly possible to stay cool during 32C heatwaves both indoors and outdoors wasn't my idea of a good Summer. Sure I wore shorts and strappy tops but I'm much more comfortable in sweatpants and oversized sweat tops. And there were times when getting dressed was more hassle than it was worth. Which is one reason I can't wait to say hello to Autumn. I'm much more in my comfort zone during the colder months and find it so much easier to put together cosy yet hopefully cute outfits without worrying if people are staring at my curvier figure.

Make Up: Now this may sound like a very vain reason for wanting Summer over but I can not wait for those months where my make up doesn't slide off my face as soon as I step outside my front door. There have been a good few weeks where I've gone free of make up because it's futile trying to keep it in place for longer than five minutes. Not that I'm uncomfortable in my make up free face, I love not wearing make up and letting my skin breathe but in the name of my job and the joys of having good make up days I do prefer wearing make up. And during the colder months I find I get the most out of my extensive lipstick collection. And because of my dark hair and fair skintone I find that I suit the darker tones that are associated with the colder months and

Halloween, Birthday and Christmas: And my last reason for wishing Summer gone is that three of my favourites times of year all occur from September onwards. Apart from celebrating my best friend's birthday during Summer, nothing really exciting happens. However when September rolls around it becomes a countdown to Halloween, my birthday and everyone's favourite Christmas. And again my productivity around this time goes into overdrive. And for someone who get's very frustrated when she's feeling unmotivated, it's heavenly. So as soon as September 1st hits I'll be counting down until it's socially exceptable to decorate for Halloween and post all kinds of Halloween themed posts, keep your eyes peeled this year, I've got some exciting ones planned.

So this may make me sound like a miserable cow but I'm just not that big a fan of Summer. Sure I like the longer days, the brighter days which makes photos look gorgeous and the general happiness a bit of sun brings out but I'm more than ready now for Autumn, cosy jumpers, pumpkin spiced lattes and Christmas (yes I went there).

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