Friday 25 March 2016

Review: Barry M Daylight Curing Nail Paints Spring 16

Just after Barry M released their spring relaases in their Gelly Hi Shine and Speedy Quick Dry Ranges, they released four new shades with in their Daylight Curing range as well. I only picked up two as the other two didn't suit my style. And as I've reviewed the other new releases, I thought it only fair I reviewed these as well.

The two shades I brought are Bug A Blue and Empire State of Mint. One of my favourite things about these polishes are that they are all named after different popular songs. The other two in the range are called Pinking Out Loud and All The Things She Red. As you can see from the bottles, Bug A Blue is a brightish blue shade and Empire State of Mint is a stunning mint shade. They both appealed to me as I'm a big fan of pastel/bright nails from spring onwards, choosing to keep my darker polishes for the colder months.

If you don't know how these polishes work, all you have to do is put two coats of the colour on your nails and then add the special top coat they released. After that the polish is supposed to harden and add shine when it's exposed to daylight. Now I know it sounds very far fetched but it actually does work, especially with colours like these. These polishes come with a flat square ended brush that makes application quicker and the brush covers the nail in one sweep. When the process is explained it does sound quite long winded but because of the brush and the fact that these polishes dry quickly, it takes as long as doing your nails normally would.

You do need two coats of this polish no matter what colour your using but especially with these. As with other pastel shades these are thinner in formula and can go streaky if not applied properly but once the two coats are on, these polishes have a high shine finish and you'll find the colours will attract your attention and other's to your nails.

When it comes to chipping these polishes can last a good three to four days without chipping but if you apply these polishes wrong or you rush it then they can actually peel off before they chip. However patience and attention to detail and they'll give you a stunning manicure that everyone will love.

Have any of you tried these? What did you think of them? Do you like any of the other shades in the range? Let me know in the comments below.

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