Friday 22 April 2016

Review: Lottie London Solid Brush Cleaner

In the past when it's come to cleaning my brushes I've always been a firm believer that baby shampoo can do no wrong. I've used several big brand brush cleaners and was disappointed each time so I stuck with baby shampoo. And then I stumbled across this as I was browsing the make up aisles one day and of course, curiosity piqued I brought it.

If you're wondering what you're looking at, it's the Lottie London Solid Brush Cleanser. Beauty Blender do a similar product but that's only to be used on beauty blenders whereas this can be used on brushes as well.

All this product really is, is a small round bar of soap in a tub and that makes it sound less appealing as a product. However when you read the instructions on the back this could just become your beauty savious. Instead of having to use your hand or get a textured surface to wash your brushes on, all you have to do is swirl your brush repeatedly across the soap until your brush is clean. You can rinse it off and go in again, something I'd advise doing but it does truly clean your brushes. Containing Coconut Oil this will not only clean your brush and remove any bacteria built up inside but the coconut oil will soften brushes, perfect for any brushes that are slightly scratchy against the skin.

These are what my brushes looked beforehand. Some of these I use on a daily basis and some I reach for every now and again but they all needed a good wash. I was quite apprenhensive about using the solid cleanser on some of my denser brushes as I wasn't sure how well they would clean them. Side note: Make sure you take your normal brush cleanser with you as well, just in case.

I did let my brushes get dirtier than normal as I really wanted to put this product to the test. And I have to say it's not as bad as I was expecting. It didn't work immediately after the intial rinse but a couple of times of swirling around the soap and rinsing and it worked well. I was a little bit disgusted about the amount of make up it removed but I did leave them to get grubbier than normal to see if I could the best results.

 And this is what my brushes look like afterwards. These were probably the dirtiest brushes of the lot and as you can see the brush cleanser has worked wonders on them. It did take me repeating the process several times but the results were worth it. Normally when I wash my brushes there is still some residue left on the brushes once they're dry but this time around there was no residue left on any of them. It's easier to use the cleanser on the smaller less dense brushes but a little bit of patience will really help with the denser brushes.

Overall I'm impressed with this product. It's done what it claims to do on the package and left my brushes feeling uber soft and clean. Plus you can find it on the high street so it's purse friendly as well.

Have any of you tried this? Or have you tired anything that is better? Let me know in the comments.

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