Tuesday 26 July 2016

Review: Loreal Pure Clay Masks

When I first saw these on ReallyRee’s blog I knew I had to have them. I do like Loreal skincare and did wonder when they would step into the world of face masks. I thought it would be a long wait for these to appear in shops but it was only a couple of weeks and of course when I did spot them in Boots I didn’t just buy one, I brought all three. And damn are these masks are good. 

Containing Koalin to help control any excess sebum or oil, Montmorillonite which aims to help draw out skins impurities and Ghassoul a clay to help clarify the skin and make the effects of other ingredients last longer on the skin. All in all, these three clays and the other ingredients in these masks help to purify, exfoliate and detox the skin to give skin a flawless feel.

The Detox Mask contains charcoal to really purify the skin and pull out dirt, grime or blemishes that may be lingering around. There is a chance that blemishes will appear after using this but that just means it works and afterwards your skin should be less blemish prone. This is the one I like the most and see myself getting a lot of use out of. As it dries down it really adheres to the skin and it feels more like it’s pulling everything from your skin. Definitely the mask for people with more problematic skin.

The Glow Mask contains Red Algae and is jammed packed with tiny exfoliating micro beads. When applied you can feel the beads scrubbing at your skin to help remove any dead skin that may be hanging around. When it sets down it doesn’t really do anything to aid exfoliation but it does work to give your skin a more radiant glowing complexion. And then when you remove with a wet flannel or muslin cloth you get the exfoliating action again as you wipe it away. I’d advise anyone with extremely sensitive skin to steer clear of this as the micro beads can be irritating and would probably make skin sore or cause a break out. Other skin types however would work perfectly well with this mask which is perfect if your skin needs a pick me up. 

 The Purity Mask contains Eucalyptus and works to mattify skin. This would be perfect for people with an oilier complexion, especially if you’ve got a long day. This is the only mask I haven’t gotten around to trying yet but the smell and the feel of it from playing with it on the back of my hand is good. I’m assuming this would also be very soothing for people who suffer from redness or rosacea. I’m alternating trialling masks between these and some Origins masks but this is definitely next on my list to try. 

All three masks can be worn on their own or you can use each of them on the areas of skin that need them. So if you have an oily t-zone but texture on your jawline or cheeks then you can use the Purity Mask down the centre of your face and the Glow Mask on your cheeks. Both would work as effectively as if they were being used on their own, except they’re targeting different skin problems. All three can be used in conjunction with each other or on their own. If you’re not a fan of multi masking and only one thing skin wise you want to deal with then I’m sure one of these three will do the job. 

My favourite part of these masks isn’t the ingredients, isn’t the stunning green packaging. It’s the fact they come in a pot. Tube masks and sachet masks can be a real pain but these are a dream to use. You can easily dip a finger in, spread where it needs to go and dip your finger in again without spreading any residue left on your fingers all over the packaging. It also gives these masks a fancier feel. The pot is made of a thick glass and each has a stunning metallic green lid. And when you open them up you’re greeted with a lid over the top to protect it from spilling everywhere if it happens to be other way than flat. It’s the small details but they give these masks a more luxurious feel for their budget friendly price tag.   

At £7.99 a masks these are a lot less pricey than I thought they’d be and I have to say they’re a much higher quality than the price tag suggests. If you’re in the market for a new face mask that works wonders on your skin and doesn’t break the bank then I recommend trying these out. Loreal have really made a bang with this latest release. 

Have any of you tried these? What did you think? Or do you have a mask recommendation for me? Let me know in the comments.

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