Sunday 10 July 2016

What's On My Bedside Table

I'm nosy. Especially when it comes to people's Beauty Storage and their must haves. So when I saw a couple of videos on YouTube where people went through what they kept on their bedside table I was in heaven. And it made me think about what I keep on my bedside table and what makes them so special that I have to keep them close by. So today I'm talking you through the Top 5 things I have on my bedside table.

First and foremost is my night cream. I have to have this by my bed or I'll forget to put it on, essentially because I'm too lazy to take it out the cupboard where the rest of my skin lives. And also because I like to put in on just before I get into bed to give it the optimum chance to sink in and work as I sleep. My go to, holy grail night cream is the Garnier Miracle Sleeping Cream. It's a thick bouncy textured cream that works to hydrate, revitalise and smooth skin as you sleep. A little bit of this goes a long way and I love how this feels on my skin when I apply it. And because it's a sleeping cream I believe that it works best to put it on just before you get into bed instead of putting on and letting sink into the skin while your still awake. In the morning my skin always looks and feels hydrated, smooth and like I've had a good night's sleep even if I haven't and that's why I can't live without this on my bedside table.

Another thing I have to keep close by or I'll forget them is my vitamins. I'm terrible at remembering to take them and until I put them on my bedside table I wouldn't take them for days on end. Now though they're there when I put my night cream on and it's so easy to just take them before settling down to sleep. I take several vitamins, Vitamin D, Evening Primrose Oil and a Multivitamin. I take Vitamin D to help with my bones and teeth as well as my immune system. I used to only take this in the Winter but have recently started taking this all year round and have found I feel a lot better for it. The same goes for my Evening Primrose Oil, I used to take regular strength but mum managed to convince me to move onto high strength tablets and I've really seen the difference. My skin feels softer, looks smoother and you can especially see the difference in my feet. I used to get hard skin (I know gross) even though I moisturised everyday but since I've been taking my vitamins on a regular basis they've really cleared up. Now for my multivitamin, I have a chewy one. I know I'm an adult but I'm not the best at taking pills and sometimes the two I do take vitamin wise is pushing it. So I chose these Bassett Soft and Chewy Adult Multivitamin when I was stocking up. They contain a mixture of Woman's Health Vitamins aswell as other important vitamins that are beneficial to everyone. They taste like Raspberry and Pomergranite and are just like eating a wine gum. If you're not the best at taking pills then I definitely advise at having a look at these.

I tend to moisturise my body before I get into bed as I'm usually in too much of a rush to do it in the morning so it only makes sense to keep my body moisturisers next to my bed. I absolutely love the Garnier Ultimate Blends Restoring Lotion. It has a mixture of Royal Jelly and Propolis which works to hydrate the skin for longer. I love putting this on before bed as it gives it a better chance of sinking in and moisturising my skin than if I put it on in the morning. Another body cream I like is the Soap and Glory Sugar Crush Body Buttercream. This smells like heaven, it has a very sweet lime scent which just lingers after every use. As it's a buttercream/body butter it's a bit thicker in formula which means it takes a bit longer to sink into the skin. I like to use this after I've had a bath because the pores on my skin are more open and helps it sink into the skin better as well.

After I've done my arms and legs I like to moisturise my hands and feet. I don't know why I do them seperately, it's just a habit I've picked up. For my feet I love Soap and Glory's Heel Genius. It contains something, I believe menthol which really helps soothe feet, refresh feet and moisturise them all at the same time. I pop a thin or thick layer on it depending on how sore my feet are and then pop on some loose, occasionally fluffy socks. For my hand cream there's only one that's ever worked for me and that's Soap and Glory's Hand Food. It has that distinct Soap and Glory smell and is suprisingly not greasy when applied. I always pop a layer of this on after I've put my lip balm on and then get settled in bed. I have a very hands on job so giving them a good moisturise before bed each night is my way of making sure they don't get too damaged.

And then the one thing that isn't always on my bedside table but always nearby is my lip balm. I carry this everywhere with me and at night it sits next to my bed so I can remember to put some on before I go to sleep. I love the Classic Carmex pots, it used to really disagree with my lips but now it's the only thing that'll work for me. It's a thick almost pertroleum feeling substance that tingles when applied to the lips but soon dies down to hydrate and smooth the lips. A layer of this before bed and in the morning my lips are ready for whatever lip product I throw at them.

What's on your bedside table? Do you have any must haves? Or am I missing something from my table? Let me know in the comments.

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