Friday 30 June 2017

Top 5 Non-Beauty Favourites Of 2017 So Far

Fast And Furious 8
Beauty And The Beast
Wonder Woman

Last week I shared with you my Top 5 Beauty Favourites of 2017 So Far and thought it only fair I share with you, my Top 5 Non Beauty Favourites Of 2017 So Far.

 My first non beauty favourite has to be Pinterest. I can lose hours on it, scrolling through baking recipes/ideas, fashion ideas, tattoos, piercings and cute kitten pics. I am literally obsessed with it and will go on there to have a 'quick' browse and still be there a good half an hour or more later.

My next non beauty favourite so far this year has to be Beauty And The Beast. From the moment I saw the final trailer I just had to go and see it. I drove my mum mad singing the soundtrack repeatedly on the countdown to seeing it and even as I write this I'm singing Belle in my head. Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Luke Evans and Josh Gad are absolutely amazing and really captured the essence of the original animated characters whilst simultaneously bringing something of their own to it. I can't wait for it to come out on DVD and know I'll be watching countless times when it does.

Another movie favourite of mine this year has to be Fast And Furious 8. Now a lot people said that they didn't enjoy this installment of the franchise but I thoroughly did. Sure I wasn't keen on the whole Dom has a kid storyline but I liked the idea of it being centered around bringing the family back as one, something that has been strong since Day One. I also really enjoyed the additions of Jason Statham and Scott Eastwood and I'm still looking forward to seeing what installment nine has in store for us.

And it wouldn't be a mid year favourites if I didn't mention one of the best movies to be released this year. I'm a Marvel girl at heart but when it was announced that Gal Gadot would be playing Wonder Woman I decided I could be a bit more lenient with my loyalties. And I'm glad I did. Wonder Woman not only is a brilliant, action packed, thrill ride that leaves you amazed by the end but also leaves you feeling empowered as a women and makes you feel like you can do anything. I left the cinema with such a girl power rush it seemed unreal. I loved it and can't wait to see Gal as Diana Prince in Justice League which comes out on my birthday later in the year.

And my last favourite so far this year has to be my bargain handbag from Primark. I'd spent ages looking for a Chloe-esque dupe but couldn't find any that were remotely the same or the right size. Until I saw this in Primark one day. Sure it's not exactly a Chloe dupe but it's structure and style reminds me a lot of  the Chloe and other designers styles I've seen. It's so spacious but not overly clunky or cumbersome. It's a leather like material around the base of the bag and the closing flap is more suede in feel. It gives it a more expensive feel and really adds a little something to an outfit.

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