Saturday 23 September 2017

10 Things I'm Looking Forward To In Autumn/Winter

 Autumn is finally here! And I'm so beyond excited, it's ridiculous. It's not only time to break out the jumpers, the boots and all the autumnal clothing but it's also my time to shine. Autumn/Winter is my favourite time of the year and I find I'm ten times more productive than I am any time of the year. And there are a lot of things about Autumn/Winter that I'm excited about so today I thought I'd share with you my Top 10.
1. Pumpkin Spiced Lattes
Let's start with the drink that everyone is talking about as soon as September hits. Now it may seem like I'm following the trend or being a basic bitch but I absolutely love a Pumpkin Spice Latte. There's just something about them that I can't get enough of and I find myself counting down every year until they appear back in Starbucks. If you think you're not going to like them because you aren't a big fan of pumpkin, it doesn't matter as there isn't a big pumpkin. flavour, just a understated taste of cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger. If you haven't had a Pumpkin Spice Latte before then I highly recommend you try one before they disappear for another year.
2. Sweater Weather
 Up next is my favourite clothing item between September and February. Jumpers/Sweaters are my absolute favourite item of clothing to wear when the weather turns colder. Not only are they ridiculously cosy and comfy to wear but they hide a multitude of sins as well so if you've overindulged it's covered. I tend to buy a ton of jumpers as soon as I see them appearing in shops. Primark is one of my favourite places to buy jumpers because whilst they're not the best quality, they are good value for money and if they only last this Autumn then it's not a massive waste of money.
3. Halloween
 This Is Halloween! Sorry I couldn't resist. Halloween is something I used to hate it as a kid but as I've gotten older I've fallen in love with it. There's something about decorating the house, watching Halloween movies and snacking on the left overs from Trick or Treaters that I can't get enough of. And as I post this, stores are getting their Halloween ranges out and I can guarantee that by the end of the weekend I will have a whole host of new decorations that I'll have to impatiently wait to put up in October.
4. Christmas
Oh I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday! Again I couldn't resist. However as much as I love Christmas, I couldn't do it everyday. Too expensive. That being said I can't wait for the Christmas season to be upon us because it's the one time of the year I can eat my own body weight in mince pies and every other Christmas based food without feeling guilty. Plus it's the time of the year I spoil my family absolutely rotten as a way to thank them for everything they do for me throughout the year. Plus I can watch The Grinch, Muppet Christmas Carol and Elf on repeat for a full twenty four days without feeling bad at all.
 5. My Birthday (25)
Now a lot of people would prioritise their birthday over both Halloween and Christmas but for some reason this year I'm not really bothered about turning 25. I don't have any plans yet and don't know what to ask for as presents but at the moment I'm not really that bothered. Halloween and Christmas however I'm hella excited for and I'm sure you're all going to be bored to tears by the amount of posts I have planned.
6. ABBA Night Out With Mumma
Something I'm really looking forward to this October is a night out with my mum. When I was younger I remember going to see this and when I saw it advertised on The Hexagon website I knew we had to go. Thank You For The Music is the ultimate tribute to the Bee Gees and Abba and whilst it sounds it's ridiculously cheesy, it's brilliant. If like me you grew up listening to Bee Gees and Abba then you'll probably love this show. It's not until the middle of October but I'm already beyond excited because it's not often me and mum get a night out together where we can don our glad rags and just have a girly night.

7. All The Autumn Lip Colours
Oh how I love an Autumnal Lip. I love them that much that I used to struggle to find something to wear in the Spring/Summer and by August I'm counting down the days until I can break out a dark berry tone. This year hasn't been as bad but by the middle of August I was counting down the days until I could break out my trusty Rimmel 107 and not feel like a complete pleb for wearing it. Autumn Lip colours are my absolute favourite, not only because they match with my favourite time of the year but because they suit me the best out of any lip product shade. Paired with my dark hair and fair skintone, dark berry tones and rusty reds really pop and make my lip colour the talking point of my look. It's a big confidence booster for me as I know they're something that are going to work for me and I don't have to worry about the colour not suiting me or looking horrendous with my skintone and hair colour. Keep your eyes peeled next week for my Autumn Lip Edit, packed with colours I will be wearing constantly this Autumn.

8. Getting To Wear Boots
From the middle of August I've been trying to find an excuse to break out my Winter boots. I just love them so much, especially now I've find ones that suit my style and are flattering with my body shape/height. All three pairs I live in/plan on living in are from Primark. Two look similar but the ones with a less obvious point are higher in heel height and are perfect for more dressy occasions whilst the other pair is my go to run around pair. The very obvious stand out boot I haven't worn yet due to lack of confidence but once I find the right outfit to pair them with I know I'm going to get tons of wear out of them. Their out there but gorgeous and at only £16 I couldn't leave them in the shop.
9. Cozy Nights In
If there is one thing I love nothing more during the colder months, it's a cosy night in. A cup of coffee, a good movie, snuggly pjs and Stan the cat next and I'm a happy girl. I especially love putting on all the fairy lights and battery operated lights I have around my room, drawing the curtains and sticking on an old favourite film to make the stress of the day disappear. Plus if I have the cat, coffee and a steady supply of snacks I'm set for the evening. And it only gets better as it gets closer to Christmas when I have the room just illuminated by Christmas lights and the TV.

10. Seasonal Baking
I've fallen back into baking over the last month and have been trying out new recipes left, right and center. So of course as two of my favourite Holidays approach I can't help but excited for all the baking ideas that I've seen all over Pinterest as well as online and in recipe books. And if the idea of Halloween and Christmas goodies was enough, there is a whole host of autumnal feeling bakes that I can't wait to try out. If you don't follow me on Instagram, go over and check my page out. It's where you'll find all my baking pictures. I warn you though, it may make you hungry.

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