Friday 27 October 2017

Halloween Decorating Tips

It's that time of the year again! It's my second favourite holiday of the year! Halloween is nearly here and now I've finished boring you with my Halloween themed bakes, I thought I'd share a few ways that I Halloween up my house. And may I just point out, yes I'm 25 in 3 weeks but I still have a Spideman Plush Toy hanging in my window.

 Windows gels are probably my favourite way to make Halloween known in my house. I collect new ones each year and this year my favourite addition has to be this blood drip and beware sign. It's a bit more gruesome than I'd normally go for but this year I'm feeling like stepping away from the cutest stuff I normally do. I planned on having more gels like this in the window but for the life of me, I can not find them anywhere in my house. A little annoying but I can live with it.
 Another new addition this year is this witch, moon and star gel. I really liked how this looked in the packet but obviously I wouldn't be able to recreate that on the window. However I am really happy with how this turned out. And that's why I love window gels so much. You can put them anywhere you want, you don't need no fancy tools and if you're not happy with their positioning you can just peel them off the window and reposition them where you want them.
 If you were around last Halloween then you probably saw the three ghosts I put in the window. One of them this year is slightly decapitated but it just adds to the whole Halloween vibe. These remind me of the three uncles from Casper and I just can't resist putting them in my window.
 The same goes for these skeletons. I like this because instead of a whole gel, you can build this part by part. It makes them great for getting the kids involved in making them up and it's not going to end up in a complete mess. I can never remember exactly which gel matches with part but I just pop them on and hope they look somewhat decent.
And the last new addition this year is this haunted house. I got this from Aldi for 99p and absolutely love it. It claims to glow in the dark but with the strenght of the street lights in front of my house means I never get to see it. I liked how the scene was set out with the rising ghosts and the bats around the moon. The pumpkin however I'm not to sure where that comes in and it just sort of displaces everything else.

 Fairy lights are another great way of adding a subtle hint of Halloween around the house. There are so many different designs around, it's getting hard for me not to buy more. And a lot of time people say less is more but when it comes to Halloween themed fairy lights, I go a little batshit crazy. Out of the eight sets I've accumlated over the last couple of years, I think thee is only one set I haven't hung up somewhere. That being said I am very tempted to find a home for them somewhere. This trio of ghost lights is one of my favourites. There are only three of them but they shine bright and this year just add something to a boring looking mantelpiece. (Pls excuse the cat treats)
Something my mum did with a set of lights is string them through a couple of little potted plants we had. These are little pumpkins which give a tremendous amount of light for their size. These alongside two other sets I've purchased are possibly my favourites this year. Only a £1 a set and yet they shine so bright.

 These skulls are another of the new sets I've picked up this year. Look how bright they shine. The string isn't massive but it's enough to string along a shelf or wrap around a jewellery stand/stem of a lamp. I've sellotaped these to my bookcase shelf (pls excuse the excessive amount of beauty products) to give it a bit of a boost. I do this even when it's not times like Halloween or Christmas as I really like how it livens up my otherwise bookcase.
 And these miniature ghosts are the last of the three I purchased this year. I just love them. They're small but bright, fun but still subtle and not overly gruesome or tacky looking. Again I've sellotaped them along one of my bookcase shelves. At first it was because I didn't know where else to put them but now I just really like how they look.
 So having such a large bookcase means I may have stuck quite a few sets of lights along the shelves. A set from last year that I forgot how much I loved were these pumpkins. Now these have more of a cheese factor to them but I couldn't resist having a bit of cheese amongst the more subtle lights I'd already strung up.
These ghost lights are from last year but I couldn't leave them on their own in the box so I strung them somewhat haphazardly from a canvas I have hanging in my room. They're seriously bright for a little light and whilst there isn't many on the string, it's enough to add a little something, something to a framed canvas or picture.
And the last set of lights I've strung up in my house are again draped over a canvas I have. These are also from last year but still work and shine brighter than any of them. I'd say these are brilliant for putting in kids rooms as they've got more of an animated character look to them. Again there wasn't enough length in the string to hang them over two pictures but it looks good doubled back over one.

If you've got children in the house but still want to add a touch of Halloween throughout, hanging door ornaments are perfect. This Frankenstein is adorable, with an animated touch to it that will take away any scary connotations that could scard little ones. I have this hanging in the back room whilst a slightly scarier one hangs in my living room. Luckily we don't have little people over often so it's not going to cause any upset.

And the last way to add a little bit of Halloween to your home are these cute little figures. They're solar paneled and don't cost the earth to buy. They don't go all day and can be placed anywhere in the house. These are perfect for children as there is no need to turn on or off and they're pretty much as fuss free as a decoration could be. I have a pumpkin in laderhosen on my bookcase but forgot to take a picture for the post. These are some of my favourite decorations to put out, they're cute, kitschy and have just the right amount of cheese to them.

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