Friday 6 October 2017

Review: B Sparkling Water Cleanser

Cleansers are the one product I'm always on the lookout for new releases. I love trying out new cleansers, especially if their budget friendly and come from a brand I trust. So when I saw B had released a new cleanser I just had to try it.

The B Clean Sparkling Water Cleanser is a lightweight cleanser that can be used on it's own or as a double cleanse when removing make up. It's clear gel formula feels like water on the skin and leaves skin feeling refreshed. It makes the perfect morning cleanse as it instantly wakes skin up and sets it up not only for the next step in your skincare routine but also for the rest of the day.

I really want to like this and in a way I do like it but there are a couple of issues with this product that stop me from reaching for it. The biggest bug bear for me is the scent. I expected it to either be fragrance free or have a light scent but this smells so strongly of alcohol. It smells like a perfume does just after it's been sprayed where the true scent hasn't come through yet and the alcohol is overpowering everything. The scent of this is that strong and overpowering that it actually stings my eyes and can even linger on the skin after it's been washed off.

And my other issue is that it just doesn't seem to clean skin as well it claims to. I've used this both after make up and on bare skin and whilst it feels like it's doing something when it's on your skin, really it's not doing a lot. I've gone over my skin with a toner afterwards and it's picked up make up and daily dirt that this cleanser should have removed. Which is quite disappointing as you believe that it's working like every other cleanser but in fact it's removing some but not all of what's on your face. I'd much rather reach for my Garnier Micellar Gel Wash because I know it works and my skin will actually be clean after I've used it.

Overall this product is a bit of a dud for me. I wanted to like it, it came from a brand I trust product wise and the premise sounded fantastic but the final product fell flat. If it didn't have the issues it does, then there's a chance this cleanser would be fantastic, esepcially for it's price point. However it's not something I see/find myself reaching for a lot and if you have sensitive or reactive skin then this is probably a product you'd want to avoid.

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