Monday 30 April 2018

What I Read:April

Welcome back to another What I Read. First I'd like to apologise for this post being a couple of days late but I'd only managed to fully finish one book so far and didn't want to give you a poor excuse of a post with it. And I was halfway through a book so I worked to finish that as well so I could feature that and give you the two finished books which are pretty consistent for these posts.

Clockwork Angel- Cassandra Clare
The first book I read this month which took quite a chunk of the month to read comes from Cassandra Clare. Clockwork Angel is the first book of a trilogy of a spin of series from her bestselling The Mortal Instruments series. Clockwork Angel is the first of the Infernal Devices series and sees a young Tessa Gray coming to England to start a new life with her brother but instead of the life she'd envisioned she's thrown into the world of the Shadowhunters and Downworlders. From there she must come to terms with this new world she's discovering but also what it's revealed about her. I love Cassandra Clare, she has an excellent writing style that just sucks you in and keeps you engrossed. It's been a while since I've read any of her works but it wasn't hard to get sucked into the Shadowhunter world, especially with the detail vivid descriptions that flow throughout the book, creating each and every setting in your head. My only issue is that the chapters are quite long; partly down to the detailed description, so I found I could read two maybe three chapters a night which is why it took me the best part of this month to read. I've already made a start on Clockwork Prince but again because of the chapter length, I've put it down for now to focus on my ever growing pile of To Read books.

The Personal Shopper- Carmen Reid
And the other book which I just finished this weekend is one I hadn't read in years but pulled it out for a reread when I found it in my collection. The Personal Shopper is a light hearted read with a likeable and somewhat relatable main character Annie. It's filled with now fashion, the idea of a perfect, stylish life alongside the many complications of getting back into the dating world. I loved this book and had to force myself to put it down at night so I actually got some sleep. The chapters were a lot shorter and I just flew through them, willing on every twist and turn that this book had. It's the first of a series revolving around Annie and I can not wait to reread the rest of the series. I can totally understand why it was a favourite of mine back when I first read it.

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