Friday 25 May 2018

Recipe: Nutella Cupcakes

At the weekend I attempted to make Nutella Marshmallow Fudge and it failed on an epic scale. But I had two hundred grams of melted Nutella to use and whilst it was tempting to just eat, I tried something different in hopes of it working. And by golly didn't it work. These cupcakes are light, moist, full flavoured and just melt in the mouth. 

- 200g Nutella, melted 
- 100g Caster Sugar
- 100g Butter/Stork 
- 100g Self Raising Flour 
- 2 Eggs 

1- Pre heat your oven to 180C. Line a 12 hole muffin/cupcake tin with paper cases. 
2- Melt the Nutella in a Bain-Marie over a low heat. It always sounds tempting to turn the temperature up to get your Nutella/Chocolate to melt quicker but in fact it's only increasing its likeliness to burn. When it comes to melting ingredients, slow and steady is the best way to go. 
3- Once it's completely melted, refrain from eating it and leave to one side to cool to room temperature. 
4- Into your mixing bowl place the sugar and the butter and beat until creamy and pale. 
5- Then add in one egg at a time alongside a spoonful of flour and beat until completely combined. I always advise having a rubber/silicone spatula to hand to scrape around the sides, ensuring everything is completely combined into the mix. 
6- Once both eggs are beaten in, add the rest of the flour and fold gently into the mixture. Again take your spatula intermittently and scrape around the edges so everything is combined and nothing is clinging to the sides of the bowl. 
7- When everything is completely combined take your now cooled Nutella and pour into the mixture. Then beat until it's completely incorporated and the mixture is a lovely chocolately brown shade. 
8- Spoon into paper cases. I find using a ice cream scoop is perfect for getting an even amount of mixture in each case. This mixture can also make more than your standard dozen so have a spare cupcake tin ready if you still have mixture left over. 
9- Pop into the oven and bake for 25 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean. 
10- Once cooked, leave them in the tin to cool for five minutes before transferring to a wire cooling rack to cool completely. I do advise enjoying them warm though as the Nutella comes through even more and they just melt in the mouth.  

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