Monday 4 June 2018

Five Favourite Books Of The Year So Far

How on earth is it June already? Time just seems to be flying this year. But let’s take it back to the beginning of the year when I set myself the goal to read more and started my What I Read series. According to Goodreads, I’ve managed to read thirteen books so far this year, so today I’m talking you through my favourite five that I’d happily read again.

Unfiltered. No Shame, No Regrets, Just Me- Lily Collins 
My first favourite is also one of my most recently read books. Lily Collins memoir, Unfiltered featured in last months What I Read but I can’t help but talk about it again. Unashamedly open and honest, Lily talks through growing up, struggles with identity, eating disorders and abusive relationships. It’s very eye opening and takes away that untouchable aspect a lot celebrities have whilst being surprisingly refreshing as a read. Collins doesn’t hold back but it’s all written in the most respectful and classy manner which’ll make you love Collins even if you didn’t previously.

The Last Piece Of My Heart- Paige Toon 
The next book I loved more than most this year comes from an author who never gets it wrong. Paige Toon knows how to create the perfect mix of drama, humour and relatability in each of her novels. Last Piece Of My Heart centres around a travel writer who's roped into finishing the second novel of a recently deceased bestselling author. Throw in her quest to regain each piece of heart from ex loves, a long distance relationship and growing feelings towards the author's widower and you've got yourself a page turner that ranges from heartwarming to heartbreaking in seconds. I loved it and couldn't put it down, needing to know if everything would work out for the best. I've got my eye on more Paige Toon novels to read but I'm probably going to end up rereading this one before I get to them.

Meet Me At The Cupcake Cafe- Jenny Colgan
My third favourite so far this year is another lighthearted feel good book that I stayed up til the early hours reading. Centering around Issy Randall and her love for baking, Meet Me At The Cupcake Cafe documents her trials and tribulations from being made redundant to struggling to open her own cafe. Throw in a love triangle and this book is just everything I wanted it to be. I wanted Issy to do well and make the right choice romantically. It's the first of a series and I'm definitely going to have to find the rest to read before the years out.

The Miniaturist- Jessie Burton
This next book was my first read of 2018 and really kick started my want to read more. Set in 17th Century Amsterdam, The Miniaturist is filled with mystery, drama, moments of sadness and horror but is certainly a book you won't be able to put down. My heart went out to the main character Nella at some points but there were also parts of the book that you could see coming but had to wait for everything to be set up before it was revealed. It's definitely a book I'd happily read again when I've not got a pile of books to be read.

The Caller- Chris Carter
And the last book I want to talk about again was featured in May's What I Read. I picked up The Caller for £1.99 from Sainsburys and didn't think it would be as interesting as the blurb made it out to be. Oh how wrong I was. Three days later I had devoured the whole one hundred and four chapters, had gone through a range of emotions, especially with the plot twist at the end and I can say that this is up there alongside Karen Rose novels when it comes to well written crime novels. The Caller centres around a pyshco who video calls members of family or friends of his victims. He goads them into playing a game, with every wrong answer causing more pain and suffering for their loved one. It's gruesome but so well written and I literally devoured this book as I just wanted/needed to know whodunnit.

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