Wednesday 6 June 2018

Mid Year Non Beauty Favourites

It's that time of the year where I round up my five favourite beauty and non beauty favourites of the year so far. Today I'm starting with my non beauty favourites, including movie, music and tv show.

My favourite movie of the year so far has to be Avengers Infinity War. I've seen quite a few good films this year but Infinity War beats them all. I don't know where to start or what to say that I didn't say in my May Favourites. Packed full of characters Marvel has spent ten years developing and introducing, this movie rips the hearts out of every Marvel fan, especially in the first five minutes. There were parts I laughed, held my best friends hand in suspense, nearly cried, covered my face when I couldn't laugh and slapped my poor best friends leg in shock when something badass or very shocking happen. Trust me that last one happened a lot. Avengers 4 is over a year away and if the reports are anything to go by then it's going to be even worse for Marvel fans that Infinity War was.

There's been a few albums I've adored so far this year but the one I've constantly had on repeat comes from the ridiculously talented Camila Cabello. Her self titled debut album caught my attention just after it was released and ever since I've not been able to stop listening to it. Havana of course is a firm favourite but Consequences, Something's Gotta Give and Into It are my all time favourites that get cranked up whenever they come on. I love every song on this album and that's a rarity for me. Only two other albums have managed to do that for me, Carrie Underwood's Storyteller album and Kelly Clarkson's Meaning Of Life album.

For TV so far this year it's been a toss up between the Strike Back reboot and Silent Witness but I think Silent Witness just pips Strike Back to the post. Series 21 carried on several storylines from the previous series and made for an emotion packed series with plenty of twists and turns as well as plot lines that got people talking and tackled very relevant issues in everyday life. I absolutely adore Silent Witness, it's my go to when I'm feeling a bit down in the dumps as it takes my mind off of everything and makes me focus on working out who the killer is. However Strike Back does get a honourable mention as the end of the series was astounding and I can't wait to see where they take the new series which they're currently filming.

When I'm not writing for here, at work, out with friends or in the kitchen baking, I like to watch YouTube. A lot of YouTube. I have a ton of favourites but someone who I absolutely love watching is Kalyn Nicholson. She's such an upbeat lifestyle/fashion/beauty YouTuber who inspires, relaxes and empowers in every single one of her videos. I always feel more zen and relaxed after watching on of her videos. Her outlook on life is just so positive and even though she acknowledges the bad, she always manages to maintain a positive outlook on life. If you haven't watched her videos before I recommend you do. Not only will you find your inner peace watching her but afterwards your inner girl boss will appear and shit will get done.

And my last favourite so far this year is again something I mentioned in last months favourites but I'm totally addicted so it had to be mentioned here. Around April time I started to try dairy free alternatives with my milk and coffee. A lot of it came from coffees made with normal milk giving me headaches and occasionally when I'd treat myself to a milkshake, the formula would leave me feeling sick and would lay quite heavily in my stomach. I tried Soya and Oat milk products but they didn't seem to agree with me. That is until I tried this. The Califia XX Espresso Cold Brew With Almond Milk is the answer to all my prayers. It's dairy free so it doesn't sit heavily in my stomach, the coffee doesn't give me a headache and compared to other non dairy options doesn't make me ill a few hours after drinking it. Sure it costs a bit more but it's worth it if I can indulge in my caffeine fix without having to worry about getting a crippling headache a few hours later.

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