Monday 18 June 2018

Recipe: Mini Cheese Scones

Growing up my nan would make the best cheese scones known to man. I never knew how she did and shop brought ones never tasted the same. And recently I've been having a major craving for a really cheesy scone with a smidge of butter so I decided to take matters into my own hands and try making my own cheese scones. And for a first attempt, I'm extremely impressed with myself. They taste exactly as my nan used to make them and even the scent of them cooking in the oven took me back to my childhood.

- 225g Self Raising Flour, sifted
- Pinch Of Salt
- 1 Tsp Baking Powder
- 55g Butter, cubed
- 50g Red Leicester, grated
- 50g Mature Cheddar Cheese, grated
- 80-90ml milk, plus extra for glazing

1- Preheat the oven to 200C. Line two baking trays with parchment paper/baking parchment
2- In a bowl sift the flour, salt and baking powder. Stir lightly to make sure they're combined.
3- Add your cubes of butter and rub in with your fingers until you have a breadcrumb consistency. Add the grated cheese and mix until the cheese is combined. Don't rub it in like you did the butter as your likely to melt the cheese and take away from the flavour.
4- Then make a well in your mix and add a little of the milk. Using your hands mix/knead it until you have a soft but firm dough that doesn't fall apart when you move it. If you need to add a little more milk then add more milk but don't pour it all in as you won't be able to rescue your dough from that.
5- Lightly flour a surface and rolling pin. Place your dough on the surface and roll out until it's 2cm thick.
6- Using a cutter size of your choice, cut out as many individual shapes as your dough can manage, rekneading the dough each time you've cut out as many as you can. I went with a smaller cutter so I go more than four or five scones but you can easily use a larger cutter to make larger scones if that's what you want.
7- Place your newly cut scones onto the baking trays and lightly glaze the tops with milk. I found I could get about six on each baking tray without them touching or overlapping in any way.
8- Pop in the oven for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown or hollow sounding when you tap the bottom.
9- Once cooked, let them cool on a cooling rack for five minutes before placing into an airtight container.
10- Then enjoy whenever you want. I like mine with a smidge of butter and it's just the perfect bitesize amount to tide my scone craving over.

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