Tuesday 3 May 2016

Top 5 Skincare Tips

I for one am very particular about how I look after my skin. I think it's years of my mum drilling it into my head that it's important to moisturise everyday and how I should look after my skin as it's the only one I've got. And thanks to what I'm thinking are good genes my mum's lectures about moisturising and looking after my skin has helped me have skin that I'm happy with. So today I thought I'd share with you my Top 5 Skincare Tips

1- Drink a lot of water. 
This is one I'm not very good at myself. I suck at drinking enough water but when I do manage it I really see a difference in my skin. Recently I've cut out fizzy drinks unless I'm out or it's a treat day and I can really see the difference in my skin and that's all down to the fact that I've given myself no choice but to drink a lot more water. It really does work wonders for your skin and ever since I've kicked the fizzy I've noticed my skin looks plumper, more radiant and any dullness or dark circles have diminished. If you struggle with drinking plenty of water because you find it bland, try a flavoured water or add some fruit to your water to give it a bit of a taste boost. My favourite fruits to add are strawberries, peach slices and slices of lemon and lime.

2- Always take your make up off. 
This is something I absolutely and I know it's common sense but it's something so easy to miss every now and again. And to be honest nothing feels better at the end of the day than taking your make up off. It doesn't take a lot of time and if you don't want to do it just before you go to bed because your too tired then do it as soon as you get home. Not only does it save you time later on but your skin will thank you in the long run. Good cleansers can be hard to find but they are out there. Emma Hardie's Moringa Cleansing Balm is one of the best on the market but it is slightly on the pricey side so if you're looking for a good high street/budget cleanser the Soap and Glory Peaches and Clean Cleanser is perfect. It can be worn as a mask or used as a cleanser that leaves skin feeling soft and clean. A full review of this cleanser will be going up on the blog soon so keep your eyes posted for that.

3- Don't let anything stop you doing your skincare routine. 
 As I write this post I am speaking from experience. I've been hit by one nasty cold and my energy levels have hit an all time low. However I haven't let that stop me from doing my very long winded, probably over the top skincare routine. And do you know what? My skin is actually thanking me for it. If you're travelling or ill or in a variety of situation don't let it stop you doing your routine. It's so easy now to decant products into empty travel pots or even picking up a travel sized version of your favourite products. Keeping to your routine is important when travelling as your skin can through various different temperatures and enviroments so needs that extra bit of loving so your usual skincare products will help your skin get through those. And it also applies when your ill, sticking to your routine means you skin doesn't lose anything vital and doesn't become even more dehydrated than it already is. Plus a lot of us do like to stick to routines as it makes you feel accomplished and organised.

4- Find products that work for you.
It's all well and good picking up the latest skincare release because you've read rave reviews on it but if it's not suitable for your skin or contain ingredients that don't agree with you skin then it's going to do your skin no good. I've done this more times than I care to count. Most recently I picked up the new Garnier Moisture Bomb Night Cream. It's aimed at dry to dehydrated skin something that my skin isn't but I believed that I could make it give my skin that hydration boost my skin needed in the evening. Oh how wrong I was. Instead of giving my skin a hydration boost it made my skin look excessively oily and make up application became harder than before. Yes there are lots of good looking skincare products on the market but if it says for oily/combination skin and you have sensitvie skin then it's not going to work for you. It's more likely to do more harm to your skin than good and then you've got to somehow change it back. It's not worth it so it's always best to check new releases or products you've had your eye for a while to see if it's suitable.

5- Don't overdo it 
Over exfoliating or treating your skin can do more harm than good. There are always directions on how often to use exfoliators, treatments and masks for a reason. If you have sensitive skin and it says to use once a week, don't use it everyday. It's probably too harsh or filled with ingredients too strong for everyday use and you're only going to irritate your skin. However at the same time it also depends on what you think. If you have a product that says use once a week because it can cause irritation and you feel like you could use it twice a week then do. But if it does cause a skin issue don't continue with it, it's not going to help and then you're going to have to combat any problems it's caused. In my opinion it's always better to be safe than sorry.

So that's it for my skincare tips. Were any of them any use to you? Or do you have a tip you think I've missed? Let me know in the comments. 

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