Tuesday 14 June 2016

Top 5 Non Beauty Favourites of 2016 So Far

So 2016 has been a pretty good year both Beauty and Non Beauty Favourites wise.And so I thought I'd share with you my Top 5 Non Beauty Favourites of the year so far today. I thought this would be good idea to have a mid year review to see if the next six months are just as good.

Captain America Civil War
This is the only film I've been excited to see this year. I'm a massive Marvel fan and try to see each new release in the cinema and this was no exception. If you haven't seen this, then Civil War is a continuation of both The Winter Solider and Age Of Ultron. In it you see Captain America (Chris Evans) butt heads with Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr) over whether The Avengers need to be monitored or not. Throw in Cap's old friend Bucky (Sebastian Stan) and everything literally goes to shit. They're once dsyfunctional but working family is torn apart as Cap works to keep Bucky alive whilst Iron Man would like nothing more to bring him to justice. It's packed full of action, brilliantly choreographed fight scenes and witty one liners. If you've been a fan of Marvel for a while then this next installment in the Captain America Series won't disappoint you.

Naked Smoothies
This year I've been on a mission to drink less fizzy and start drinking more water, juice, smoothies etc. And before this year I wouldn't go near a smoothie even if it was a flavour I'd love. That's until my best friend Jasmin introduced me to Naked Smoothies. And since then I've been a little in love with these smoothies. They come in four flavours and each works to help your body in a way. You have one containing cranberry and raspberry, one that has blueberry, one that has mango and one that has kiwi, spinach and celery. The mango flavour I've stayed away from as I can't stand mangoes but the other three I have drunk in abundence. Yes even the one with Spinach. Instead of being lumpy and bit like smoothies I've tried before these are smooth and delicious. I can happily drink one of these a day and not only do they curb my need for fizzy drinks, they hydrate me and suprisngly make me feel fuller which means I eat less. Another yay for me. If you haven't tried these then I highly recommend you do.

Primark Sunglasses
Now I know that this favourite may not be to everyone's taste but I have put it in. This year Primark have released some absolutely cracking sunglasses. Most years I just replenish my Ray Ban-esque sunnies from there but this year I haven't brought a single pair in that style. No I've been won over by these designer looking numbers which look a hell of a lot more expensive than they are actually are. I think I paid £2 a pair for these and I love how they just complete an outfit. They don't sit too low on the face that you have a massive gap between the top of them and your eyebrows, they don't slide down your nose because they're pretty much plastic and they certainly work as a good shield for your eyes in this now warming weather. I have more that I'd show but I don't want to ruin some style/fashion posts I have planned for July. Keep your eyes peeled though if you're looking for more, they could be appearing on here soon.

Chocolate Raisins
When it's come to snacks so far this year I've only got one that I'm constantly eating. Chocolate Raisins. Now I know a lot of you may be pulling a face at this but I think they're delicious. I don't care where they come from, I don't care how much I pay all I care about is how scrummy they are. One to two handfuls of these are enough to give me a little pick me up and get me through the day. I've gone through countless packets of these already and no doubt go through countless more before the year is out.

Taylor Swift 1989 
I know. I know. I'm a bit late to the bandwago with this one but hey at least I got there right? Back in March I watched Taylor Swift's 1989 World Tour and fell in love with the album. I already had a good number of tracks off 1989 but thought it was about time I completed the album. Some of my favourites include, New Romantics, I Know Places, Welcome To New York and Wonderland. There's just something about this album that always gets me in a good mood after I've listened to it and many a day I've used it to help me get through tasks that would normally drag by.

So that's it for my Non Beauty Favourites of 2016 so far. What have been your favourites of the year so far? Let me know in the comments below.

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