Monday 30 April 2018

What I Read:April

Welcome back to another What I Read. First I'd like to apologise for this post being a couple of days late but I'd only managed to fully finish one book so far and didn't want to give you a poor excuse of a post with it. And I was halfway through a book so I worked to finish that as well so I could feature that and give you the two finished books which are pretty consistent for these posts.

Clockwork Angel- Cassandra Clare
The first book I read this month which took quite a chunk of the month to read comes from Cassandra Clare. Clockwork Angel is the first book of a trilogy of a spin of series from her bestselling The Mortal Instruments series. Clockwork Angel is the first of the Infernal Devices series and sees a young Tessa Gray coming to England to start a new life with her brother but instead of the life she'd envisioned she's thrown into the world of the Shadowhunters and Downworlders. From there she must come to terms with this new world she's discovering but also what it's revealed about her. I love Cassandra Clare, she has an excellent writing style that just sucks you in and keeps you engrossed. It's been a while since I've read any of her works but it wasn't hard to get sucked into the Shadowhunter world, especially with the detail vivid descriptions that flow throughout the book, creating each and every setting in your head. My only issue is that the chapters are quite long; partly down to the detailed description, so I found I could read two maybe three chapters a night which is why it took me the best part of this month to read. I've already made a start on Clockwork Prince but again because of the chapter length, I've put it down for now to focus on my ever growing pile of To Read books.

The Personal Shopper- Carmen Reid
And the other book which I just finished this weekend is one I hadn't read in years but pulled it out for a reread when I found it in my collection. The Personal Shopper is a light hearted read with a likeable and somewhat relatable main character Annie. It's filled with now fashion, the idea of a perfect, stylish life alongside the many complications of getting back into the dating world. I loved this book and had to force myself to put it down at night so I actually got some sleep. The chapters were a lot shorter and I just flew through them, willing on every twist and turn that this book had. It's the first of a series revolving around Annie and I can not wait to reread the rest of the series. I can totally understand why it was a favourite of mine back when I first read it.

Thursday 26 April 2018

Review: Palmer's Face Oil With Rosehip

Following on from my cleansing oil review on Monday, I'm reviewing a facial oil that has become my go to product when it comes to clearing my skin. Again with facial oils I was wary but after trying a couple out and finding out how well they work with my skin, I've fallen in love with them. And this one is no different.

The Palmer's Skin Therapy Face Oil is a powerful face oil that is packed with ten precious oils alongside Vitamin C, E, Cocoa Butter and Retinol. It aims to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots as well as working to improve skins texture and tone, the Vitamin C working to brighten skin. 

This product is ridiculous and I say that in a good way. I picked it up as I was fighting a losing battle with pigmentation left over from breakouts and my god does this stuff work. After only a couple of uses, the pigmentation was pretty much gone and my skin looked brighter and felt softer to the touch. It's so lightweight that it doesn't leave skin feeling weighed down or greasy to the touch. It sinks beautifully into the skin and doesn't transfer onto clothes or pillowcases. It's the perfect overnight skin treat if you want your skin to look clear, bright and healthy the next day. I've switched out my normal moisturiser for this at the moment as I try and get my skin back to it's normal, okay looking self after a severe reaction to an exfoliator at the weekend. And so far it's working. 

It's suitable for all skin types, even sensitive and oily skins. It doesn't have anything too chemical based in it that's going to cause irritation or breakouts. It does have a slight fragrance but touch wood, I've had no trouble with it and fragrance in a product is the biggest no-no for my skin. It is advised on the box that you take precaution with sun screen after you've used it because it does contain retinol which increases skins sensitivity to the sun but apart from that, this oil is an amazing all rounder oil that is bound to work wonders on your skin. It comes in at £10.49 a bottle but because you only need the tiniest amount each time, it lasts a lot longer than other oils you can pick up, especially in the high street/drugstore. However it can usually be found on offer at Boots which is when I highly recommend picking up a bottle or two.

Monday 23 April 2018

Review: Superfacilaist Vitamin C+ Brighten Skin Renew Cleansing Oil

Cleansing oils have become a staple in my skincare routine, they're just effective a at breaking down make up whilst simultaneously nourishing skin. I've tried and loved the Loreal Cleansing Oil but I'm also enjoying trying out other cleansing oils both high street and high end to see if they're just as good or better. And today I'm starting with a high street friendly oil that's perfect for even these upcoming warmer months. 

The Superfacilaist Vitamin C+ Brighten Skin Renew Cleansing Oil is a lightweight oil that can be used either to break down make up or to cleanse and nourish bare skin. Infused with Vitamin C, E and five different oil blends including Rosemary and Rosehip Oil, this cleansing oil aims to give skin a more youthful, brighter, retexturised feel after every use. 

I've had my eye on this cleansing oil for the longest time but because I had a preconceived notion that oils wouldn't work for my face, I put off purchasing it until recently. And I'm so glad I finally started to understand that oils work for my skin as this has been the only cleansing oil I've reached for the whole of April. It breaks down make up quickly and effectively, including stubborn eye make up without stinging or irritating the eyes. It doesn't leave pores feeling blocked, skin feeling greasy or weighed down. It's Vitamin C active works to brighten skin and give it back it's radiant glow whilst simultaneously leaving skin feeling nourished and soft to the touch. 

I can have especially sensitive skin but this hasn't broken me out, left my skin feeling irritated or sore. It does have a scent to it but it's not offencive and will only cause issues if you have extremely sensitive/reactive skin, especially when it comes to fragrance. It's not the most inexpensive cleansing oil on the market but it's also not the most expensive either so if you're looking for a nice mid range yet still budget friendly cleansing oil, I'd highly recommend checking this out. And if like me you were a little cautious when it comes to adding oil to your skin, this will completely change your outlook on oils and you'd soon become a convert like me.

Friday 20 April 2018

Recipe: Ice Cream Cupcakes

I'm back with another recipe today. I've been thinking of trying this out for a while and when they turned out better than expected, I just had to share it with you. These are my version of an ice cream cupcake. I made them so that cake looks like the cone whilst the icing looks like the soft scoop on top. My piping didn't turn out as well as I hoped so the icing part of this didn't turn as well but I was still impressed with the sponge and how I saved the icing. 

For The Cupcakes 
- 110g Caster Sugar 
- 110g Plain Flour 
- 110g Butter/Stork, softened 
- 2 Tsps Baking Powder 
- 2 Tsps Vanilla Extract 
- 2 Eggs 
For The Buttercream 
- 175g Unsalted Butter, softened 
- 400g Icing Sugar, sifted 
- 2 Tsps Cocoa Powder 
- 2 Tsps Nesquik Strawberry Powder 

1- Pre-heat the oven to 180C. Line a 12 hole muffin tin with paper cases.
2- Place the softened butter/stork and the caster sugar into a bowl. Beat together until they're pale and creamy looking. 
3- Sift the flour and baking powder together. Whilst it may seem like a faff, it really helps with the texture of your cake and you aren't left with pockets of uncooked flour afterwards either. 
4- Add the dry ingredients to the mixture. 
5- Beat your eggs together and add them to the mixture. Mix together until everything is combined, making sure to scrape the sides of the bowl to incorporate all the ingredients.
6- Once everything is combined add the vanilla  extract and beat into the mixture.
7- When your happy with your mix, spoon it evenly into the paper cases and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean.
8- Leave them to cool in the tin for five minutes then transfer to a wire cooling rack to cool completely.
9- Whilst they're cooling, it's time to start the buttercream/s. Start off by beating the softened unsalted butter until it's smooth. Then sift in the icing sugar, a little at a time and beat in, making sure it's fully incoporated before adding more.
10- Once all the icing sugar is mixed in, split the mixture between three bowls. The first bowl place to one side as you won't be needing to add anything to it. But bowls two and three you'll be mixing another powder ingredient in.
11- In one bowl add the cocoa powder and mix in until fully incoporated. It's easy to add powder flavourings such as cocoa powder as it helps keep the thick, almost fluffy looking consistency of the buttercream.
12- Once that's to your liking, add the strawberry powder to bowl three. Now this is going to take a lot more work to incoporate but it'll be worth it in the long run. And again it adds the desired colour as well as flavour without ruining the consistency of the buttercream.
13- Now comes the fun part. Spoon each buttercream mix into their own piping bag, making sure to take all the air out of the top before you start piping. Then just pipe the icing onto the now cooled cupcakes. You can do any pattern you like but I tried to do a swirl like a ice cream cone but had many issues with my piping bags so I ended up smoothing and creating a rough texture that still looks good with my buttercream.
14- Leave to set and then enjoy.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

How To Transition Your Skincare For Spring/Summer

Winter has finally bid us adieu which means that all those rich balms, moisturisers and oils can be put away until next Winter. Which then leads to the confusion or search for products to replace those you've used and loved in throughout the Winter. And that's where this post should helpfully come in handy as today I'm talking you through the ways I'll be replacing my Winter skincare products with ones that'll be more suited as the weather warms up. 

Shall we start with cleansing? During the colder months I personally find myself reaching for thick balm cleansers and cleansing oils. As do a lot of people as they're more nourishing and help fight skin stressors such as temperature change, central heating and harsh wind and rain. However when Spring rolls around these cleansers aren't needed as much because people's skin has changed and a lot of people find their skin doesn't feel as tight or dry as it does during the Winter. And that's where lighter consistency cleansers come in. They're just as effective but aren't as thick or rich in feel. Gel like textures such as the Murad Essential-C Cleanser or the Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel Cleanser are perfect examples of lightweight yet effective cleansers that are still going to look after the skin and not leave it feeling stripped or irritated. If gel textures aren't your thing, then a light cream texture or a light texture balm would be perfect. But at the end of the day as long as it cleanses your skin effectively and removes your make up, it's all up to you and your choice as well as what works best for your skin. 

During the colder months a lot of people reach for acid toners to help keep their skin from looking lacklustre and dull. And it's something that you should definitely keep up even as the warmer months roll in. Acid exfoliators that contain ingredients such as Lactic or Glycolic Acid work to loosen and remove any dead skin cells, revealing the healthy, glowing skin underneath. They also help to improve skins texture and aid the minimisation of problems such as discolouration and pigmentation. And it's important to continue this during Spring/Summer as it helps maintain your cell renewal, giving you clearer and healthier looking skin which is perfect if you like to wear less make up during Spring/Summer. Most acid toners comes in two forms, liquid or pre soaked pad. 

Both forms work in the same manner and produce the same results but again it just comes down to personal choice. A liquid toner I'd highly recommend comes from Pixi in the form of their Glow Tonic. Containing 5% Glycolic Acid, this is a gentle yet effective acid toner that leaves skin feeling refreshed and glowy. And for pre soaked pads, I've recently really been enjoying these Optimum Glycolic Acid Pads. They don't contain as higher a percentage of Glycolic Acid but are still effective but more suited towards those with more sensitive/reactive skins. Plus the pre soaked pads are easier to travel, perfect if you take a nice Spring weekend away or have a tropical holiday planned. 

If acid toning isn't for you then another way to get the healthy glowy skin is physical exfoliators or face scrubs. When it comes to scrubs, there is no right or wrong for texture. You can use any texture of scrub as they don't usually vary in texture and are needed to rid skin of dead cells. I for one really like the texture of this Loreal Sugar Scrub. It's very gel like in texture and contains Kiwi Seeds that leave skin looking and feeling fresh and revived. However as I said you can use any facial scrub, they all work in the same manner so if you have a favourite then just continue using that. 

Facial sprays can be used during the colder months to alleviate any irritation or tightness that skin sometimes feels but it's during the warmer months that they really come in handy. Many brands have a facial spray in their range and most of them are multipurpose in their use. Whilst hydrating and soothing mists are perfect for the colder months, revitalising and invigorating mists are a better fit for the warmer months. The mist I'll be reaching for Spring/Summer comes from B and is packed full of vitamins and caffeine that'll work in conjunction with each other to wake skin up and give it a refreshed and glowy look. Plus it can be layered under and over make up, making it the perfect on the go mist as well. 

Just like with cleansers, in the Winter we all reach for thicker, richer moisturisers to keep out skin hydrated, supple and soft to the touch as it grows used to the cold, central heating and Winter's brutal weather conditions. However as Spring rolls in, we no longer need such thick moisturisers which can easily be replaced by lighter, water or gel based moisturisers. And on the market now there are a ton of these moisturisers that claim to lock in hydration for longer, giving skin a longer more concentrated dose of hydration. Three of my favourites are the Loreal Hydra Genius, Neutrogena Hydro Boost Warer Gel Moisturiser and the Garnier Moisture Bomb Glow Enhancer Moisturiser. All three are lightweight, ultra Hydrating and can easily be layered under make up. 

If you don't want to use a moisturiser that's light in texture but you want to give your skin a hydration boost, then adding an essence or a booster into your routine is perfect. Essences especially are perfect for those who don't want to/can't use a hydrating moisturiser as they are so lightweight that they disappear into the skin almost immediately. They're also brilliant at soothing irritated or sensitive skin, creating a perfect base for the rest of your skincare/ make up. The same stands for the booster drops. They're lightweight but effective and can deliver hours of hydration without leaving skin looking and feeling greasy. Plus because they're such a simple step and don't take up too much time, they're so easy to fit into your existing routine. And during the warmee months, they're perfect for refreshing skin without weighing it down or clogging pores. 

And the last part of my routine I'm changing is my eye cream. During the cold months I reach for thicker, almost balm like eye creams but now the weather has taken a turn for the better, I've finally been able to put them away. Now and until Autumn, I'll be reaching for lighter texture eye creams or gels to give my under eyes that boost they need. My current go to product is this Optimum Refreshing Eye Gel. It's not the be all or end all of eye products but it's perfect for waking the skin around the eye up, aswell as reducing any puffiness and minimising the appearance of dark circles. Rollerballs like this are perfect to get you up and going, so you can make the most of the beautiful days to come. This combined with a slightly thicker cream in the evening is the perfect eye cream routine and will have your eyes looking refreshed, revitalised and dark circle free for that no make up look that most of us are aiming for this Spring/Summer. 

Monday 16 April 2018

Empties: April

It's that time again. It's time I share my rubbish with strangers on the Internet. Totally normal, right? Empties are my favourite kind of types of post to read and videos to watch so my own empties post is for those like me who like to have a nosy at what people have used up or are getting rid of because they didn't like it. 

I've got several bath products to share this time starting with this Soap and Glory Sugar Crush Body Scrub. This is my all time favourite body scrub because it never lets me down. I've tried countless others but none of them have worked as well as this one. I go through countless pots of this but never keep them all to share in these posts because my Empites bin would be full just from them. It's scratchy enough to exfoliate where I need it to but it's not too harsh or irritating. Plus it smells absolutely divine and fills the whole bathroom with its scent, even after you've finished using it. 

The next bath product I remembered to keep is this shower gel from Radox. It's not exactly my ride or die shower gel but I do love it enough to repurchase it which is rare for me with shower gel. I usually just go for those that are on offer. This however not only smells divine, leaves skin feeling clean but has s technology throughout that keeps the scent around for twelve hours which can be activated by touch. And it works, normally most shower gels don't linger on the skin scent wise but this actually does what it claims and leaves behind the most gorgeous scent that can last all day. 
And the last bath product I have to share is the Lush ButterBear Bath Bomb. I really need to go to Lush and stock up on bath bombs as this was the last in my basket. ButterBear is a classic, containing Cocoa Butter and Shea Butter, this leaves a nourishing film over the bath water which works to look after skin, even after you've gotten out of the bath. I love the smell of these as well, it just relaxes me and even though you can't get them in bear form at the moment, I'll definitely be stocking up on the ButterBall Bath Bomb when I'm in Lush next. 

Onto skincare and the majority of them you've all seen in Empties before. So let's get the ball rolling with my go to morning cleanser. The Clean and Clear Sensitive Cleansing Lotion has been my go to morning cleanser since I was a teenager. It's lightweight, doesn't irritate my skin and keeps skin feeling refreshed and awake but also clear of blemishes or any pore clogging bacteria. I go through more bottles of this than anything throughout the year and as you all know I have many on back up, so I won't bore you anymore and move onto the next empty. 

Another duo of products you're used to seeing in these posts come from Liz Earle. I always have their award winning Cleanse and Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser in my collection as well as their Instant Skin Boost Tonic Spritzer. They are staples in my collection and since discovering them a couple of years ago I've gone through many a bottle. There's not a lot to say about them, they don't irritate my occasionally sensitive skin, soothe it if it is irritated and generally help it look clearer and softer to the touch. I need to pick up another Cleanse and Polish but already am halfway through another Instant Skin Boost. 

I finished another bottle of my Loreal Hydra Genius Serum/Moisturiser. Again one you're probably all familiar with as its a firm staple in my skincare routine. My only bug bear with this product is that the tube inside doesn't quite reach the bottom so you're always left with a bit of product you can't get out. However it's a small price to pay when a product works so wonderfully with my skin. 

And to follow my Hydra Genius is an empty of my everyday moisturiser. Again you've seen the Garnier Moisture Bomb Glow Enhancer Moisturiser before so you know why I love it. It works so wonderfully under make up aswell as on its own and just leaves skin looking gorgeous, glowing and hydrated. Is little pot doesn't look like much but it lasts a surprisingly long time. Yet another product I always have a back up of a back up of in my collection. 

A night serum I finished comes from Superdrug's Own Brand Simply Pure. Their Hydrating Night Serum is a richer version of their original Hydrating Serum, making it perfect for after make up removal of as a hydrating night moisturiser. Containing nothing more than Hyaluronic Acid and Allantoin, this is perfect for those with more sensitive/reactive skins. It can be worn on its own or layered under a thicker moisturiser without the worry of being too heavy or pilling. I love it that much, I've nearly finished my second bottle already. 

I finished a pot of my holy grail night moisturiser from Garnier. I'm still raving about the Miracle Sleeping Cream even though it's been two maybe even three years since I started using it. Thick but not heavy, this cream works as you sleep to remove the signs of fatigue, meaning you'll wake up with hydrated, fresh looking skin even if you haven't had your full eight hours sleep. I go through numerous pots of these a year and until the market release a cream that can outdo it, I'll go through numerous more. 

I went through another bottle of the Hawaiian Tropic SPF30 Face.  This is my everyday Facial SPF and it never lets me down. Lightweight, non irritating and perfect for layering under make up, this makes sure my face is protected and Casper like without weighing it down with oil or a thick heavy cream that'll most likely break me out. A little goes a long way so a bottle lasts me an age but I'll still be stock piling for Summer in case we get another heatwave and it becomes hard to find. 

Again another product you're used to seeing pop up in empties posts in my go to Carmex Lip Balm. Recently I tried a couple of different balms but they really didn't agree with my lips so I've gone back to Carmex. A lot of people say it's too astringent and irritating on the lips but I find it's the only thing to soothe and moisturise my lips when they feel dry and chapped. 

Onto make up and this time round there are couple of extra products that I've finally managed to finish up. The first though should be no surprise as its part of my everyday primer duo. The Barry M Hydro Fix Primer Water is extremely lightweight and hydrating and adheres make up to the skin no problem. I go through a lot of these so I'm pretty sure none of you are surprised to see it here. And to go with that. 

I have not one but two bottles of the Maybelline SuperStay Primer, the second half of my go to primer duo. This is lightweight, gives skin a perfected look and leaves behind a tackiness that helps make up last longer on the skin. I seem to go through more of these than I do the Barry M but I'm not going to complain as the two together are like a dream team that never let me down. I'm already halfway through another bottle of this and have a back up in my collection.

I finished a bottle of foundation. It's pretty much unheard of me ever finishing a foundation but I've finished one and have a near empty one that I'll finish when I do my make up next. The Loreal Total Cover Foundation is my go to foundation when I want my skin to look flawless for a long time. A lightweight gel like texture, this has the fullest coverage I've ever worn. Yet it still lets skin breathe and feel like skin. I've worn this for a good twelve hours and it hasn't budged, just needed a little bit of powder for my t-zone. I already have another of these ready for any nights out or events when I need a bit more coverage and lasting power. 

I finished a Maybelline Eraser Eye Concealer. And as you eagle eyed readers may notice, there is only one in this post where normally there are two or three. That's because I've discovered two other concealers that work even better with my skin so this one has just fallen to the side. I still like this for mixing with a lighter concealer to give a highlighted look under the eye but I don't reach for it as much as I used to. 

I finished two different powders. The first comes from MUA and whilst I loved the finish it gave, I didn't like going through as many as four compacts every two months. So I won't be repurchasing that again as it just didn't last as well as I expected. The second is from Barry M and is another I won't be repurchasing. Sure it gave a nice finish and didn't leave a white cast but I ended up wasting product as I just couldn't get the very last bits out. No amount of shaking, tapping or coaxing would do it. I do have another one of these on the go but after I've finished it, I won't be repurchasing again unless I can't find another decent inexpensive loose powder. 

I finally finished/replaced my tube of Benefit's They're Real Tinted Lash Primer. This is my favourite lash primer not only because it gives my lashes a boost but because you can wear it on its own if you just want to give lashes a bit of definition. I have another miniature on the go but will definitely be investing in a full sized tube when that one runs out. 

Another thing that is unheard of is me finishing a lip liner or a lip product in general. But here we are and I've finished this Maybelline Color Sensational Lip Liner. Now I'm not sure if I finished completely by wearing it as much as I did or if I finished it earlier than expected because it was broken inside. However I did like this lip liner, it was pigmented, creamy and didn't drag or scratch the lip. I'd probably buy this again but not anytime soon as I have a surplus amount of red lip liners that I need to get through. 

All that's left for me to share with you now is the copious amount of face wipes and sheet masks I've used. Let's start with face wipes as it's the lesser of two evils. Now I don't use face wipes to take off my make up but I do use the, to remove my lipstick or any swatches I may have done. I'm surprisingly picky about which face wipes I use but recently I've just been grabbing the first ones that I've seen on offer. The first pack is the Loreal Fine Flowers Facial Wipes. They were nice but didn't wow me, so unless I'm in a bind, I won't be repurchasing these again. The same can be said for the B Pure Sensitive Micellar Wipes. They were nice, removed what I wanted them to remove but didn't really blow me away. The Garnier Extra Gentle Micellar Wipes on the other hand are pretty much holy grail for me. They don't scratch the skin, have enough product on each wipe and remove make up without too much rubbing or irritation. I go between these and Oil Infused wipes and always make sure to stock up when they're on offer. Expect to see a lot more of these in future posts. 

Onto under eye patches and as you can see, I've gone through a few. I love these for days when my eyes feel generally like crap or after a bit of a late night. All of these I've used before and will happily repurchase them all when I'm shopping next. However if I were to choose one as a stand out patch, it would have to be the Rodial Dragon's Blood Patches. They just work like magic at depuffing, Hydrating, soothing and reducing the appearance of dark circles. Pricey but well worth it. I seriously need to buy the multipack instead of spending more buying the individual packs. 

The Garnier Moisture Bomb Tissue Masks are some of my favourites so you shouldn't be surprised to see so many of these in this post. I used to love the Chamomile masks the most but have lately found that the De-Tiring Masks with Lavender have the most visible results. I have numerous back ups of these and you can always count on a minimum of four in every empties post. 

Two other masks from Garnier that I've used up are their new Pure Charcoal Sheet Masks. These were nice but didn't wow me as much as I expected. I think it's all because they weren't what my skin needed when I used them. If you have combination or oily skin then these will be perfect for you. I may repurchase in the future if my skin needs it but it's highly unlikely. 

Another two sheet masks I used for the sake of using up and that didn't wow that much were these two. The first is the Bubble Purifying Sheet Mask from Skin Republic. It felt alright on the face and looked fun to wear but left behind a sticky residue that didn't do anything for my skin, except leaving it feeling uncomfortable. The second is this Avocado Sheet Mask from Oh K! I'm not sure what this was supposed to do for my skin and the results said the same as well. Apart from cooling my skin, this didn't feel as if it did anything major. I won't be repurchasing either of these, purely because I've tried similar masks from other brands and preferred those a lot more. 

A mask I liked and used two of comes from Simple. Their newly released Water Boost Hydrating Sheet Mask has wowed me a lot more than other newly released sheet masks. Packed full of skin loving ingredients (they're words not mine), this mask acts like a deep hydration for skin and is perfect for those with dry/dehydrated skin. What I don't like is the £3.49 price tag for something that would sell so much better at a lower price. 

And finally we have two of the Soap And Glory Sheet Masks. Now these cost the same as the Simple but I don't mind paying that much for each one purely because they actually have an ingredients key that doesn't just say vitamins and minerals. And one of these has be reformulated and is better than when I first tried it. That mask is the Radiance Boosting Mask. Before it was a very hard cardboard like mask that didn't fit the face at all but when I tried it this time round, it was thinner, more cellulose in texture and fit the face lovely. The other mask I used is their Pore Refining Mask. I like to always have one or two of these in my collection for when Aunt Flo pays a visit and I find my skin becoming more porous and oily in look and feel. Both of these are on my to buy shopping list and will no doubt be featured in future empties posts. 

Friday 13 April 2018

Recipe: Dark Chocolate And Coconut Loaf

Last month I dedicated myself to baking predominately Easter recipes and I lost my love of baking as well as posting because of it. So for my first non Easter recipe, I've taken it back to my simple yet easy 
loaf recipe with two of my favourite flavours combined. The combination of these two flavours give it a delicious kick and is essentially a cake version of my favourite chocolate bar, the Bounty Bar. 

- 110g Caster Sugar 
- 110g Plain Flour 
- 110g Butter/Stork (softened) 
- 2 Eggs 
- 2 Tsp Cocoa Powder 
- 2 Tsp Baking Powder 
- 2-3 Tsp Coconut Extract 

1- Pre-heat the oven to 180C. Line a 2lb loaf tin with either a loaf case or parchment paper. 
2- Place the softened butter/stork and the caster sugar into a bowl. Beat together until they're pale and creamy looking. 
3- Sift the flour, baking powder and cocoa powder together. Whilst it may seem like a faff, it really helps with the texture of your cake and you aren't left with pockets of uncooked flour afterwards either. 
4- Add the dry ingredients to the mixture. 
5- Beat your eggs together and add them to the mixture. Mix together until everything is combined, making sure to scrape the sides of the bowl to incorporate all the ingredients. 
6- Then it's time to add the Coconut Extract. You can add as little or as much as you like. I started off by adding two teaspoons but felt it needed more when I tasted it, so I added a third so that the flavour really came through when it was baked. 
7- Once your happy with the taste, and everything is completely combined, pour it into your prepared tin. I usually pour half in and smooth it out before adding the rest to make sure it fills all four corners of the tin and is evenly distributed. 
8- Then pop it into the over for 25-30 minutes or until a skewers inserted in the centre comes out clean.
9- Once it's cooked, leave to cool in the tin for five minutes the transfer to a wire cooling rack to cool completely. Or if you can't wait, now would be a good time to cut a slice and enjoy warm with a cuppa. 
10- Once that first slice has been cut, keep it stored in an air tight container. It'll be good for two to three days but because it's a moist sponge, anything past three days is a no no as it'll start going stale and dry. 

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Review: Simple Water Boost Hydrating Sheet Mask

I'm a huge fan of sheet masks and can't stop myself from buying one or three when a brand release a new one. And Simple is the latest brand to join the club. Their Hydrating Sheet Mask is the latest addition to their Water Boost range and is probably the best product from the entire range. 

Made from the softest natural fibres, this mask fits snugly to the contours of your face as it delivers intense hydration in fifteen minutes. Containing ingredients such as Glycerin, Allantoin and Caffeine, this mask works to hydrate, soothe and brighten skin. It contains no artificial fragrance or colour, neither does it contain any harsh chemicals that'll damage or harm skin. It's good for any skin type but in particular for those with sensitive or reactive skins. 

For me the Water Boost Range can be very hit or miss for me but this sheet mask is the standout product. It fits nicely to my face, doesn't slip, slide or drip and it leaves my skin feeling soothed, hydrated and soft to the touch. I've used it several times and my skin hasn't reacted or broken out in any way. I like how this leaves my skin feeling and how I don't necessarily need to go in with a heavy moisturiser after I've used one of these. They still don't take the place of my beloved Garnier Moisture Bomb Masks but they come a close second. Available exclusively at Superdrug, this sheet mask is perfect for those who want to pamper their skin without worrying about irritating their skin.

Tuesday 10 April 2018

The £9 Base Duo You Need In Your Life

Make Up Revolution's Fast Base Foundation Stick and the Conceal and Define Concealer are the only thing I've heard people talking about recently. Now normally I don't buy into hyped up products but when I was shopping recently I did give in and give them both a swatch. And it was only then that I began to believe in the hype. 

The Fast Base Foundation Stick is ultra creamy to apply and blends out like a dream. It gives a gorgeous healthy looking medium coverage which can easily be built up to a decent full coverage that doesn't look cakey or mask like. It's available in eighteen shades including a decent range of fair and deep shades. I usually struggle to find my correct shade but in this range F1 is a perfect match for my Casper like complexion. 

The Conceal and Define Concealer is also available in eighteen shades ranging from extremely fair to deep skintones. It's a very high coverage concealer that conceals dark circles, blemishes and redness without looking too heavy on the skin. The doe foot applicator is larger than average and has a small well inside it to hold more product which means you'll less likely to dip it back in the tube for more. Now I've never tried the Tarte Shape Tape but from what I've seen and heard of this, the Conceal and Define is a comparable dupe at a fraction of the price. Again I have the shade C1 and it's a perfect match to cover redness and blemishes but is also still very brightening under the eyes. 

I am literally obsessed with this duo. I've worn them everyday since I got them and everyday it blows me away. Not only does it give my skin a flawless coverage without being too heavy, it gives my skin a healthy glow and lasts all day without the need for touch ups. But my favourite thing is that this duo costs only £9. Most brands charge this if not more for just a foundation. And they actually work. The quality of these are off the scale. Normally lower priced brands can be very hit and miss but Make Up Revolution have got it spot on and not just with these two. Tons of their products have been rave reviewed at the moment and I think if you want to try any; especially the foundation stick , you'd better move quick, they're selling like hot cakes. 

Monday 9 April 2018

Primark Haul

Spring/Summer clothing is all over the high street right now and Primark has some good pieces at an affordable price. So today I thought I'd share with you a few things that I've picked up after the last few weeks. Now I've mostly picked up a few basics but they've been bits I feel are missing from my wardrobe and that'll not only take me through Spring/Summer but also through the whole year. 

Dark Grey Basic Tee £3
Now I know this very basic but I was missing a grey t-shirt that wasn't too light or that had a v-neck. And this is perfect. It's a very lightweight material that doesn't cling anywhere that I don't want it to. The round neck isn't too low cut but is enough to just give the shirt some more shape. And the colour is flattering both on my figure and with my skin tone. And the best bit, it only cost £3. 

Basic Striped Tee £3 
So I loved the dark grey t-shirt that much I went and brought the striped version as well. It's made of the same material, it fits the same way and is exactly what I've been looking for for ages. I love how this looks paired with black jeans, a simple hoodie and some slip ons. And again it was only £3. 

Striped Canvas Slip Ons £8 
Let's move onto shoes and I have more shoes than clothes in is haul which is something I didn't think I'd ever have as I'm not a big shoes girl but am clearly having a moment right now. And these slip on shoes just screamed out to me when I saw them. Now I know these won't be to everyone's taste but I really like them. Now I'm not sure if they're a white material with blue stripes or blue material with white stripes. And that's just what they are material, inside and out. Not perfect for rainy days but when that warmer weather finally breaks through these are going to be perfect. I can see them paired with any wash of jeans and a white t-shirt with massive sunglasses and minimal make up. 

Ankle Strap Low Block Sandal in Lemon £10 
Now if you know me personally then you'll know that I'm not the biggest fan of colour in my wardrobe. I tend to rotate grey, white and black with a hint of khaki thrown in but when I saw this next pair of shoes on their website, I just had to have them. And us they are a bright colour but it's why I loved them as soon as I saw them. Me and my mum have a couple of nights out coming up and I thought these would be perfect. They are perfect for dressing up an outfit without being too much and the low block heel means that they'll hopefully be more comfortable than other heels I've worn. 

Ankle Strap Low Block Heel in Black £10 
And I liked them that much I brought them in a very practical black as well. I can see these working well with black jeans or even a pair of black culottes for dinner out with Jasmin or Lauren. And at £10 a pop I couldn't resist them in my basket. They also have them in blush pink which I'm so tempted to buy but I know I won't get as much wear out of them as the other two colours. 

Wire Framed Dark Tint Sunglasses £3 
I'm a sunglasses hoarder, it's that bad that Jasmin has to keep a watchful eye on me because I could easily buy four or five pairs in on trip. And I like Primark's as they inexpensive and perfect for those fashion pieces that are more than likely only going to be on trend this year. Now these aren't the usual style I'd go for but I really like how they sit on my face without being too bug like or overpowering. And at £3 I don't mind if they only last me this year or are replaced by a new style next year. 

Hydro Gel Sheet Mask £2/ Sunflower Under Eye Patches £1 
Last week I showed you some sheet masks I picked up from Primark and when I popped in again this weekend I brought another sheet mask and another pack of the Sunflower Under Eye Patches. I didn't intend to buy the sheet mask but when I saw that it contained mint I was intrigued and figured I'd give it a go. And the under eye patches are a statement part of my skincare collection and I always like to have a pack or two for those morning after a late night TV binge. 

Genie Cushion £6 
Primark have recently released a Aladdin homeware range and I need as much of it as I can physically get my hands on.  I've been a huge fan of Aladdin for pretty much my entire life and struggle to find any decent merchandise in my town so getting this cushion and anything else Primark have to offer is a win in my book. Starting with this cushion. Shaped like the Genie's face, this super soft cushion is the perfect addition my ever growing cushion collection. I won't be using him to rest my head, he'll be purely for decoration. But make sure you get to Primark quick if you want one, their like gold dust at the moment.

Aladdin Magic Lamp Money Box £8 
And the other bit I've managed to get my hands on is the money box. I have the Mrs Potts money box but she doesn't hold a lot so this was released just in time. He sits with pride of place next to my picture of Percy on my Disney shelf. They also had a tea pot but I have no where to put him, having already had trouble finding a home for the Mrs Potts teapot that Primark released around Christmas.