Tuesday 13 December 2016

Christmas Week: Top 5 Christmas Films

At this time of year nothing beats snuggling down in cosy pyjamas with a hot drink of choice and of course a Christmas film. There are so many good Christmas films out there so today I thought I'd share with you my favourite five of this year.
Every year without fail I have to watch The Muppet Christmas Carol. It reminds me so much of growing up and is something me and my mum share at Christmas. It's the one film we make a point of watching together even when our schedules get busy. If you like corny Christmas films that have catchy songs you'll be humming all day then this is for you. I know I'll be watching this a lot this festive period.

Another film I have to watch every year without fail is The Grinch. It's like an integral part of Christmas for me and I don't feel festive until I've watched this at least once. It's another of those films I grew up with and to me is another important part of Christmas. It may sound silly to some but now as a grown up I think some of the magic of Christmas has worn away, especially because I work in retail. So anything that puts that festive feeling in to me and my house is a winner in my books.

A film that I don't watch every year but do enjoy thoroughly when I get a chance to watch it. The Santa Clause is another film I remember watching a lot when I was a kid. There's just something about the nostolgic films that I love at Christmas time. It also has two sequels and they're just as good as the original. I'm definitely going to be watching this, this upcoming weekend.

A film that I wasn't a fan of until recently is Polar Express. It isn't what I would consider your standard Christmas film but it has a brilliant storyline and characters. There's no musical numbers or catchy tunes but it does have a brilliant script and pace that will keep you enthralled. Tom Hanks portrays one of the characters and it adds a little something to the film that would otherwise be missing.

And finally there is Arthur Christmas. What isn't to love about Arthur Christmas. It's set in the North Pole, has a brilliant storyline and a great range of characters. Arthur Christmas is one of those Christmas films I can put on and instantly feel better, great for those days when work is a little bit overwhelming. If you haven't seen this then I suggest you hunt it down on Netflix and give it a watch. You'll be in a Christmas mood instantly.

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